Part 2: Rival

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On Monday, Lisa arrived at the NXT training facility, ready for another intense training day. She had a match scheduled that evening against Ember Moon, a formidable opponent, and she wanted to be fully prepared. However, as she checked with the equipment manager about her gear, she received frustrating news.

"I'm sorry, Lisa," the manager said, looking genuinely apologetic. "Your new gear isn't ready yet. There were some delays with the materials."

Lisa felt a surge of anger. "But I have a match tonight! I can't go out there without my gear."

"I know, and I'm sorry," the manager repeated. "We'll do our best to expedite it for next time."

Fuming, Lisa stormed off to find a quiet spot to cool down and think. She found a corner in the locker room and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself. She knew she couldn't let this setback affect her performance tonight.

As she was sitting there, Candice LeRae walked in and immediately noticed Lisa's agitation. "Hey, Lisa, what's wrong?"

Lisa explained the situation, her frustration evident. "I can't believe my gear isn't ready. How am I supposed to compete like this?"

Candice put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I get it, Lisa. It's frustrating, but you can't let it throw you off. You've got the skills and the determination. Gear or no gear, you can still give Ember Moon a run for her money."

Lisa nodded, appreciating Candice's support. "Thanks, Candice. I just needed to vent, I guess."

Candice smiled. "Anytime. And if you need something to wear tonight, I've got some extra gear that might fit you. It's not perfect, but it'll get you through the match."

Lisa's eyes lit up with gratitude. "Really? That would be amazing. Thank you so much."

Later that evening, as the arena filled with fans, Lisa found herself backstage, wearing the borrowed gear from Candice. It wasn't her custom outfit, but it would do. She focused on her upcoming match, pushing aside the earlier frustration.

Ember Moon was already in the ring, her presence commanding and confident. The crowd roared as Lisa's music hit, and she made her way to the ring, determined to give it her all despite the day's setbacks.

The match was intense from the start. Ember's experience and agility made her a tough opponent, but Lisa was quick and resourceful. She used every bit of training and strategy she had learned, matching Ember move for move.

At one point, Ember had Lisa in a tight hold, and the crowd was on the edge of their seats. But Lisa dug deep, drawing on her inner strength and the support of her friends. With a sudden burst of energy, she broke free and countered with a series of rapid, high-impact moves.

The turning point came when Lisa executed a perfectly timed spinning facebuster, her signature move. The crowd erupted in cheers as she went for the pin. The referee's hand hit the mat three times, and the bell rang, signaling Lisa's victory.

Breathing heavily, Lisa stood up, her arm raised in triumph. She glanced at the crowd, soaking in the cheers and the energy. Despite the earlier frustrations, she had overcome the challenges and emerged victorious.

Backstage, she was met with hugs and congratulations from Candice, Johnny, and several other wrestlers. Hunter approached her with a proud smile.

"Great job out there, Lisa," he said. "You handled yourself well, even with the gear issue. That's the kind of resilience we like to see."

"Thanks, Hunter," Lisa replied, smiling. "It wasn't easy, but I'm glad I pushed through."

As the adrenaline from the match began to fade, Lisa realized she had made her decision about The Way. She sought out Candice and Johnny, who were waiting nearby.

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