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Chapter : Sunday Funday pt. 1

Aaradhya's POV -------»

Me and Nidhi both reached at our apartment as she unlocks the door and I made my way towards the couch while she switched on the lights of the living room.

Aaru....you okay?

She asked me concern lacing in her voice while she sits besides me and I just nodded in response.

Are you hungry? Do you wanna eat something?

I shook my head, not in the mood for anything.

Ok then, go change and get ready for bed. Hmm.

I nodded, fidgeting with my fingers while Nidhi sighs, now I feel bad for ruining this night. I know she must be having so fun but she got caught in my stupidity. If it wasn't for me she would still be enjoying.


I said when she was about to go to her room, but quickly turn towards me.

For what?

For my stupid action, if I didn't got lost on my way then all of this could have been avoided and you still would have been enjoying. I know how excited you were for this night.

She didn't say anything but came and stood infront of me while I was looking down, and when she still didn't spoke I try to look up but she flicked my forehead.

Ow! What was that for?

For speaking nonsense....you really think I would be enjoying the party without you by my side, it's was so hella boring. Sure Jimin was a good company but damn! I want my gossip and partner in crime.

I know....but, still...

Listen...I'm will always choose you no matter what, remember all for one and one for all. I will always be there for you when you need me and nobody's gonna change that. Ok?

I smiled at her while she hugged me and I hugged her back. After few minutes we both pulled apart.

Ok...enough with the sentimental environment, now go and get fresh.

She said while pulling me from the couch.


She hummed, still pushing me towards my room.

Will you sleep with me....I don't wanna be alone tonight.

She gave me a smile before nodding her head.

Go, I will be there after sometime.

I didn't said anything but went towards my room and sat on my bed. I was not feeling to do anything or talk to anyone, as I was just staring blankly at the wall.

Finally after wasting like 10 minutes. I decided to go change my clothes.

I touched the coat, Taehyung gave me which I was still wearing it, a fresh memory grew in my mind.

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