Dear Diary, when did she become so pretty?

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Dear Diary,

I wonder when did she become so pretty?

Her, Sachin sir's daughter.

I was supposedly mistaken, I never really mentioned it, but she is actually here for an event like Jugnu insisted.

I was aware that she did own a cosmetic brand, what I wasn't aware of, was that it was thaaat famous.

Probably I shouldn't have accused her of stalking me.

The more I see her, the prettier I find her.

She was indeed always good looking.

But this?

It looks like there's some black magic in the air, or on me.

I cannot possibly be attracted to her.

Not to Sara Tendulkar, Never to Sara Tendulkar out of all people.

I don't like her, and I don't see myself liking her in the near future let alone being civil with her.

That woman drives me crazy.

Shubman watched as Ishan spoke to Aditi and sighed, turning away.

He was bored.

Ishan wasn't going to play any video games with him anytime soon.

Not when Aditi just called.

Because that's exactly what he needed after a long day.

Pouring his heart out to her, he looked at the screen and she looked right back at him, patiently listening to him.

He couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy as he saw them.

Almost everyone around him was committed apart from Jugnu and Abhishek.

Shreyas had Trisha, Ishan had Aditi.

His seniors were happily married and absolutely head over heels for their spouses and vice versa.

Only Shami and Siraj had no one, Shami having personal problems and Siraj...well Siraj....Shubman shook his head.

" Miyan will definitely find a girl too someday." He muttered to himself.

" I'm going down to take a stroll." He told Ishan who nodded, and he heard Aditi exclaim a bye from the other line.

Reciprocating it, he opened the door and pressed the elevator's button.

Surprisingly, before he could call Khushpreet to join him, he was already there.

" Bored, Your Highness?" He arched a brow at him and he sighed.

" Very. The practice is already over, everyone's busy talking to their partners or children. Virat bhaiya got a call from Anushka Bhabhi right when we were coming back to the hotel. Sammy called Ro Bhaiya at the same time too. Iyer has gone shopping for Trisha. I bet Kuldeep Bhai is asleep. Hardik Bhai must be on FaceTime with Agastya. Jasprit Bhaiya must be talking to Sanjana Bhabhi and Miyan must be busy watching some action movie. Everyone is busy!" He whined.

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