⚔️RQ-Devil Sabre AU

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An AU where Sabre got devil like features after escaping the darkness, he didn't get locked up by Light due to him having a panic attack after escaping. Light knew the difference between a fake and real panic attack so he comforted Sabre and told the Leaders that he was back.
The Panic
Shiren(Light): Stop and surrender now Shadow!

Sabre: W-Wha- Shiren what are you talking about!?

Shiren: Don't pretend to be him again Shadow, it won't work this time! You are under arrest for killing hundreds of Steves and impersonation.

Sabre: W-Wait I what... *Starts to hyperventilate* I k-killed t-that m-many... I-I...

Shiren: Wait, Sabre..?
The Meeting
Vivion(Violet): Shiren, care to explain why He's here?

Sabre is behind Shiren

Shiren: Well when I went to capture him *explains*

Citrus(Orange): Wait so he's actually...

Shiren: Yes Dad, he's actually back.

Sabre: *walks to Citrus and hugs him* Hey Dad... I'm back...
The Problem
R.Steve(1): You don't belong here!!
R.Steve(2): Get out of here!!
R.Steve(3): No one wants you here!!

As the crowd gets louder Sabre couldn't handle it anymore and runs to his Dad's room

Sabre: *Slams door open* D-Dad... *sniffles*

Citrus: Isn't going so well..?

Sabre: *Nods*

Citrus: Come here Little Lime...

Sabre: *Hugs him and cries in his arms*

Citrus: Shhh... It'll be ok, I'm here...

Sabre still has problems with flying so he often flies into walls when practicing.

Sabre still has some of his darkness abilities like making darkness people... Things. (Idk what their called)

Sabre doesn't like going outside much anymore and prefers staying with the Leaders, his Dad and Brother(adoptive)

Shiren(Light) and Citrus(Orange Leader) are his adoptive family along with Crystal(Orange Steve).
(307 words)
≈=«Ultra out»=≈

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