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(A/N: hey guys and welcome! I wrote this on a phone so punctuation and whatnot might be a bit off. I am open to constructive criticism just don't be mean. I would say if you don't like my story don't read it but I want you to read it so just stay quiet? I hope you enjoy this story and I will try to update as frequently as possible. Read, vote and comment please. See ya)

I jolt awake covered in sweat and panting heavily. I let out a sigh of relief as I look around and realise that I haven't been caught. It was a dream. I know I have to move fast. It is almost dawn and I have slept for to long already. My body complains as I scramble up from the doorway I
had taken shelter in last night and stretch out my aching limbs. The dark bags under my eyes plead for sleep but I know I can't risk it, not after they took Lexi.

I have to get back to the woods before someone comes by. The dark sky is beginning to be sliced by the first rays of light. I risked a lot coming here last night. I risked too much but the Zeros have begun to wash out the woods of animals and my body had become weak and frail with the hunger.

I set off down the street trying to act normal. My hair is held back from my face in a loose bun to mask the pinkish tint to my hair that gives me away. Every supernatural is born with slightly coloured hair, almost unnoticeable, but as their powers grow their hair grows stronger in colour as well. My once bright hair has now diminished to an almost mousey brown from years of suppressing my gift.

My feet patter softly against the rain soaked path. I keep my head down as I pass a 24 hr shop. I can see an elderly woman puffing lovingly on a cigarette as she walks through the aisles placing various items of food in her trolley. A man in a suit grabs a coffee and donut before hurrying out the shop and speeding a way in his car. The rest of the shop is empty save an unimpressed looking teenager behind the counter, munching on crisps as he flicks through a magazine.

As soon as I pass the shop I glance around to make sure no one is following me. eventually I see the forest looming over me ahead and I feel a weight lift from my chest, but there is still a heaviness there that never leaves me. Suddenly a loud blaring sound pierces the early morning sky. panic fills my chest and I begin to sprint the last couple of hundred metres to the forest. I can see the gate lowering in front of me and as the gap between the gate and the grind become smaller and smaller I feel my future slipping away from me.

When the gate is a few feet in front of me I throw myself to the ground, scraping my knees in the process, my ragged clothing offering little to no protection from the gravel. I roll to get under the gate but as I go to pull myself up I feel a searing pain in my leg as the spikes of the gate scrape harshly against it. My eyes begin to water but I shake it off. As I drag myself up I spot something out of the corner of my eye. My head whips around quickly and my eyes focus on a man not much older than myself. The first thing I notice about him is his startling blue eyes which seem to stand out even more against his tanned skin. The next thing I notice is his navy short and pants with a scarlet crest. I let out a gasp as I realise he's a Zero.

I quickly turn and begin to run, dodging around trees until I'm out of sight. All the time the question that is running through my mind is why he let me go. He just stood there, I know he could've stopped me going under the gate but he didn't, why? I know I should question this more but I don't, not for now at least. For now I am thankful.

I had thought all that running had been for nothing. I thought I was gonna get caught. I have been running for so long that it was second nature. I have been running for a year and a half. It has been 546 days since they took Lexi. I have lived 13104 hours in complete isolation. The closest I have come to civilisation was today and save that my company has consisted of rabbits and birds. However I don't think my killing them and eating them has harboured the best relationship between us but as life has taught me beggars can't be choosers.

I don't see the point of running. How much worse could it be if they caught me? If it weren't for Lexi I probably would've given up ages ago but I promised that I would run and I have been doing that ever since. By now it is all I know how to do. These thoughts past through my mind as I run past endless trees that blur into each other

I look back to see how far I have come and the fence is nowhere in sight. I slow my pace to a brisk walk and search around for a place to sleep. I spot a large oak tree ahead of me that provides shelter from the heavy rain hitting the canopy of trees above. the only problem is the large clearing the tree sits in leaving me exposed to anything and anyone.

The nearest branch is almost three metres up and I know I will not be able to reach it. I spot a nearby tree with low hanging branches and I shimmy up it until I am level with a large branch on the large oak. It is still a bit of a jump but I have no other choice. I brace myself, bending my knees as I edge out along the branch my arms flung wide in an attempt to keep my balance. Once I am almost at the end of the branch I stop, afraid to go any further least it snap and send me crashing to the ground. I jump, my feet leave the safety of the tree and allow me to soar through the air, allow me to feel free. I think I am going to make it but then I begin to start falling, down and down. in a desperate attempt to save myself I fling out my arms and grab on to the branch. My chest whacks against the branch and leaves me breathless and winded. The tree also gifts me with a bang of my chin, knocking my teeth together painfully. I cling onto the branch with both arms, my feet dangling ten feet from the ground. My arms begin to burn from the strain of my body weight and I can feel my fingers slipping. using my last ounce of strength I hoist my leg onto the branch allowing my to slide and grovel my way up so I lie panting on my back, exhausted.

I spot a nook in the tree that does t look particularly comfortable but safe. I wedge myself in between two branches and the tree trunk and try to get comfortable. I open my backpack and rip into the loaf of bread ravenously knowing it will go stale soon and besides I haven't eaten all day.

I feel my eyes getting heavy as darkness engulfs the forest. I hug my backpack, that is slung tightly on my front, tightly against me. It is simple but it is comforting and that's all I have for now. I drift off to sleep my mind full of questions and images of piercing blue eyes.

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