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(A/N: So I know it's kinda boring at the moment but it will pick up soon so please read. New characters will finally be introduced. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Okay so I am updating really quickly at the moment because it's the very start and I'm motivated but please vote an comment because that will keep me motivated to keep going. So here's my third update in two days!)

The sun is starting to set and my legs are exhausted from the constant walking. My canteen is almost empty and unless I find water soon I won't last much longer. I look for the telltale signs of water but I can't find any. The ground is dry and hard, I know I won't find any water here.

I trek up the hill next to me in search of a better viewpoint. At the top there is a large clearing and I can see all the way into the next valley where there is a large lake. I know I won't make it there tonight so I take up root in a cave. It is dark and damp but it provides a bit of shelter so I settle. Tonight is much colder. Winter is coming.

I light a small fire at the mouth of the cave before scrambling back into the corner, far enough away from the flame. I finish off the first rabbit before curling into a ball to keep the heat in and I drift into a restless sleep.

I am woken just a few hours later by the sound of sirens blaring through the night. I jolt upright, this time it's not a dream. They can't know I'm here, can they? One look at my fire, which has recently extinguished and is still sending smoke billowing into the sky, and I know my answer. I curse myself for making such a rookie mistake before jumping up and running as fast as I can out the exit of the cave.

I make for a thicket of trees knowing shelter is my only option. I can hear the sound of a helicopter whirring overhead as j dash into the tree line. in the darkness my sense of direction and sight are hindered and I run blindly through the forest, stumbling over roots and branches.

I can still hear the following me so I pick up my speed, hoping to outrun them. I sprint on trying to formulate a plan to get away from them. suddenly I am sent sprawling on the ground, my foot caught on a root. I push myself up off the ground and keep running but it's too late I know they've caught me now and they know it too. j can't give up now though so I keep running, tears streaming down my face making my vision blurry.

As I burst into another clearing I find myself surrounded by them, they've caught. I stand still, not moving an inch, as one of them approaches me. he reaches his hand out to grab me but I'm not giving up that easily, I use my backhand to slap away his arm before bringing my knee up to connect harshly with his groin. As he doubles over in pain I take advantage by pushing him out of the way and sprinting past him, through the gal he left in the circle.

One of the Zeros grabs me by the waist before throwing me roughly to the ground, my cheek scrapes roughly against the ground. "This one's a feisty one isn't she?" he calls out, his tone condescending and cruel. "Maybe we should teach her a lesson," one of the others responds cooly, an evil smirk taking over his face that sends shivers down my spine. With that three of them advance on me and I try to back away but am stopped with a kick to my side, shattering my rib painfully. I feel a slap across my face making my eyes water and my cheek sting, the sound ringing through the clearing. I curl up tightly to try protect myself but nothing works, the blows keep coming u tip I think I can take no more. my cheeks are wet with tears and the pain in my body is worse than anything I've felt before. All I can do is beg for them to stop and hope someone answers my prayers.

"Alright, that's enough," I hear someone call and I look up hoping to see my saviour to be met with the same piercing blue that haunted my dreams. the three men glance up at him before nodding and backing away. I am grabbed roughly and I wince but I try not to show how much pain I am in, I don't want them to get that satisfaction. One Zero holds each of my arms and they drag me along, my feet barely trailing the floor.

When we stop I look up to see a van before I am thrown in to the back and the doors slam shut, plunging me into darkness. As that last sliver of light disappears so does my last sliver of hope. I know that it is over now, I had nothing left to fight. nothing left to look forward to. I just give up. I give up and let myself be taken where I may. the tears stream down my face as j rock back and forward, holding tightly into my knees.

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