Chapter One: Does He Know?

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Zayn's P.O.V.:

„Zayn!!", I heard someone shouting. As soon as I heard the voice I realized it was Liam trying to wake me up, so I turned my face in my pillow to ignore him. „Zayn c'mon don't do this, you have to get up it's the first day of our junior year." I groaned when I heard his words and tried to hide myself in my bed. „Go away..I'm a vampire.", I mumbled. I didn't want to go to school, not today.Suddenly I felt someone jumping on top of me. I groaned again but this time because of the weight from the person on me. „Hey I've warned you..well kind of, but anyway you need to get up NOW.", Liam replied to my groan. I turned myself to face Liam, „I'm awake see?! Are you happy now?" „Yes very happy and good for you because I didn't need this bucket of water.", he said while pointing to a water bucket close to my bed. He got off of me and stood up. „Oh and your parents are at work, they drove like 20 minutes ago. And your sisters are already at school. So get ready!",Liam said before leaving my room to go downstairs. Liam was my best friend since the beginning of middle school, now we're both in our junior year in high school. He lived with my parents and sister in our house because his parents kicked him out after he had a party in their house in the summer holidays when they were in Australia and the party didn't end that well. Well all I'm going to say is that his dad's car wasn't that much of a car anymore after the party. This was like two weeks ago. But luckily my parents allowed Liam to stay with us. So now he's sleeping on my couch. I stood up from my bed and got ready for school. After that I was heading downstairs to meet Liam in the kitchen. „Do you want coffee?", he asked me with his famous player smile. I looked at him and couldn't hold my laugh. I looked on the watch close to the door. Oh fuck it's already late. Liam followed my look and got up. He took my arm and pushed me to my car. Liam looked at his phone. ,,Niall just texted me, he wants us to pick him up for school", Liam said. „Then let's go. First day of school here we come.", I replied.

Lauren's P.O.V.:

So here I was again standing in my cheerleader uniform in my lovely highschool.. ugh crap! I hate this place so much but luckily I'll only be here two more years. I was just putting some stuff in my locker as someone next to me suddenly closed his locker with the loudest sound ever. I jumped in shock but then realized it was just Dinah, one of my two best friends. ,,Oh my god you scared the shit out of me!", I said to her. ,,Yeah sorry I just tried to wake myself up a little bit." She answered, yawning. ,,So? Are you less tired now?" I responsed with a soft laugh. ,,No", she said and grumbled. Dinah looked around in the hall for a second. ,,Have you seen Ally yet? I texted her but she didn't reply". I looked around and spottet her at the door. ,,Look she just walked in..and she's wearing a pair of sunglasses?" I raised my eyebrow and Dinah turned around to see Ally walking in our direction. She arrived, greetet us two with a quick hug and opened her locker to take out some books. Dinah and I were still confused before I finally spoke up: ,, Ally why the hell are you wearing these ugly sunglasses?", my look grew even more confused as she started to explain. ,,So as you both know I dumped Liam at this beach party two weeks ago and now I'm trying to avoid him because it's the first time seeing him after this. And to my defense this was the only sunglass I had.", Ally finished. ,,Ally  that is the worst plan ever plus you should be proud for dumping this asshole! And I'm not just saying it because I want to force you to put off that stupid and extreme ugly sunglasses. Well maybe, but nevermind.", Dinah said, trying to smile nicely at the end. ,,I mean this 'plan' is even more stupid than a plan from Dinah would be.", I said mocking. Dinah shot me a dangerous look. "Okay you're right I should take these off",Ally groaned while taking the sunglasses off and Dinah responsed with a thumps up. ,,Oh shit I forgot to ask you guys", Ally added quickly. ,,I wanted to ask you when I had to pick you two up this morning  but I forgot to get you so nevermind.. Ugh damn it. But anyways my brother is going to celebrate a big party today because he just graduated from college as you may know and he asked me if you would like to come along?", Ally said quickly. ,,,Yes!!", Dinah rapidly shouted extremly loud so that everybody around us looked at her. Now Ally and Dinah both looked at me waiting for an answer. ,,You in?", Dinah asked a little too excited. ,,I'm not quite sure about that." ,,Come on it will be fun.", Ally said jumping up and down. now ,,Mhm okaay I'm in.", I said laughing and they both gave me a bone crushing hug. Then out of nowhere three boys came up to us. Zayn, my 'boyfriend' which I use as an alibi (which actually sounds as bad as it is) so that everybody thinks I like boys but actually I'm into girls, unfortunately just Ally and Dinah knew. There were also his two best friends Liam who is the biggest badboy and player I know and Niall who is literally the cutest human being. They're all football players on our school's football team. ,,Hey babe.", Zayn greetet me and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek which I responsed with a soft smile. I mean I like him a lot but just like a really close friend. I looked next to me to see Ally looking nervously on the ground. ,,Hey Ally...Dinah.", Liam said friendly but winked at Dinah at the end which was answered with her pretending to throw up. Niall was just about to say something when the school bell cut him off. He just shrugged it off and we all started to walk to our first classes of the day which we had together. Luckily it was just some organisation with our headteacher Mrs. Hamilton.

Zayn' P.O.V.: 

I sat down in class with Liam and Niall in the last row just like all the years before. I watched Lauren sitting down in front of us. I really like her I've always did, but at the moment it's just that my feelings aren't as strong anymore as they were at the beginning and with that I mean last year when I was seriously head over heels in love with her which I never told her because it was in the beginning of our relationship. Also I feel like she doesn't even like me anymore, it's propably because of this guy she met in soccer summer camp this vacation, even tho she told me there was nothing going on between them. My thoughts were interrupted when Mrs. Hamilton came into the class. ,,Good Morning class. I sadly have to tell you that I will no longer be your headteacher this year because I'll take over one of the senior classes, but I can gladly give you in good hands. I will not spill out something about your new teacher but all I can tell you is that you will see him or her tomorrow. He or she can't be here today so you'll be stuck with me.", Mrs. Hamilton explained with a small laugh at the end. ,,Let me start the new school year with introducing you guys to your new classmate.", she continued and pointed to the door where a brown haired guy stood.

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Excuse mistakes, this is our first english fanfic. Hope you'll like it x

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