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Only as we hear somebody clear their throat, we let go of each other's mouth. I looked back into his eyes. They were shining. The green color shone in the light. I loved his eyes. I yet again gazed at his beautiful lips. While I was thinking about what had just happened, I couldn't help but smile. In return, his lips curved upwards, too.
"I see you guys are getting along very well."
I turned around and was met with Rose standing at the end of the staircase. It was evident in the way her eyes sparkled she had seen the kiss. Yet, I still didn't want to admit it openly.
"I was just on my way to bring you your drink." I still didn't move. I was scared that if I did, he'd be gone. That maybe he'd regret it. Feeling Dylan move closer to me, I turned my head in his direction.
"I'll leave you two alone for now. I hope I'll see you later."
Had his voice always been this raspy?  Before I could reply, he had already left. The empty spot to my side made me feel cold as I watched him depart. Instead, Rose stepped closer and I handed her her glass without missing the obvious smirk on her lips.
"So, how was your little encounter? Things seem to have cleared themselves up now, or am I taking it the wrong way?"
Unfortunately, Dylan had left my eyesight, which in turn ended in my face pouting.  I gulped down the shot in my hand, while Rose did the same with hers. However, as soon as she finished her eyes kept looking at me expectingly.
"Where's Lou?" I questioned and looked around in an attempt to change the topic. I hadn't seen her at all tonight. The same thing as the first time we had gone to a party. The image she had created around school truly reflected reality considering she was known as "The party girl".
"I saw her entering some room with a guy just now, is there anything you need from her?" Rose replied and shrugged. In response, I shook my head and looked around. Up until now, I hadn't noticed the ample people on the stairs, but now I realized how popular they were. 'Couples' were walking up and down the stairs, especially up. I hadn't thought that many of our school peers were simply into quick fucks. I actually had only recently joined this whole culture, but somehow, I started to enjoy going to parties. Especially after Dylan. If 'old me' would have known, she'd think I turned crazy.
"No, it's fine. I was just wondering." I further scanned my surroundings.
"She's always gone at parties. I swear, it's the worst if you need something from her." Rose continued talking, but my attention on her faded as something else had caught my attention. Right there, he was sitting. Sitting at the bar, while staring at me. What's up with him?  My heartbeat accelerated as the intimidation he radiated off of him felt like a breeze hitting my whole body. Since when had he been sitting there, watching me? Maybe, I was just paranoid. Maybe, I was just imagining things. There were so many people here. A lot of pretty girls were at the party. All of them were in clothes that were hugging their body perfectly, making them even more attractive. But why did it feel like he was looking directly into my eyes? I wanted to look away, but it felt as if his gaze forced me to keep staring at him.
I saw him say something to the bartender, while his eyes were still looking in my direction. I was certain by now he was looking at me. But maybe his plan was just to annoy me. Maybe he was trying to prove to me how much I was attracted to him, to prove how much of a slut I was. Or maybe he was just plotting his revenge. Though I was determined to win the battle, my mind just wouldn't go along with my plans. I intensely watched him take a shot of vodka. Why did his hands have to be so perfect? The veins were visible on them, but not in a way where it was too much, but rather just perfect. His hands were just perfect. His looks were perfect. If only it wasn't for that ugly personality, he would be perfect. If only he had a personality like Dylan's. Fuck, I needed to stop drowning in his looks.
"Earth to Ava." Rose tried getting my attention. I blinked a few times before averting my gaze to right back at her.
"So now you're thinking about the new guy again?" She questioned and raised an eyebrow.
"Right after having kissed Dylan?" Rose teased as she, too took a glance at the handsome senior.
"But I must admit if I'd be into men, I'd probably never take my eyes off him, too."
A slight red was painted on my cheeks by now. That was exactly the way I felt. Dylan was slowly fading out of my mind.
"He's not that hot," I said but when I finally looked back into her eyes, the doubt was clearly placed on her face. In the end, I was fooling no one via that sentence.
"I mean he is, but just he's just not my type. Like he would be, but his personality is just so ugly, I don't even find him attractive on the outside. Yes. Do you know what I mean? Like I have to-"
Rose chuckle interrupted my ramble. Her ginger hair was moving in such an elegant way as her face so slightly moved with her chuckle. I bit my lip as frustration rushed through my body wishing for the words to be true.
"You're actually cute trying to defend yourself. There's nothing bad in finding him attractive, even if he has a bad personality. But I didn't even know you knew him personally." She stated and bent her head, which made her expose her neck. Rose clearly wanted me to elaborate thethe situation to her. Looking at her though, I mentally noted that among all the women here, she definitely was the prettiest. It was no wonder she was never alone at parties.
"I don't know him that well. I just ran into him once and he was very moody. Let me tell you, he was another level of moody. He was very rude. And then he called me a slut."
Anger arose in me as I remembered the encounter. He was the perfect bad boy: good-looking and rude.
"Anyway, do you want to dance with me?" I smiled at Roses's goal to lighten up the mood.
"Of course, babe," I replied and followed her to the dance floor.

We both were swaying our hips to the beat, while just enjoying the moment. It felt like there was no tomorrow. Loud music was playing, people were dancing, kissing, sweating, and drinking. I somehow liked the vibe. And I was able to forget everything. Especially forget him. I didn't pay attention whether he was still here, or dancing with another girl. Hell, who knew he might was even whoring around again.
"Do you want another shot?" Rose asked.
After that, the whole night became blurry.

I slowly opened my eyes. I was lying in an unfamiliar place. But somehow, it was comfortable. It felt like a bed? I couldn't remember going into a bedroom? Oh, no! I quickly opened my eyes scared of encountering the same situation as last time. Luckily though, there wasn't a stranger lying next to me nor was I in the same room. It was just me in a room that looked like it was meant for guests. I looked down at my clothes. I was still wearing the same things as last night. I further observed my surroundings and noticed some clothes lying on a chair. After walking towards it, I noticed a note lying on top of the outfit .
'I thought you'd might want to change, I hope the clothes fit ;)
You were pretty drunk last night and fell asleep on the couch, so I brought you here ;)

A smile was now on my face. Why did he have to be so perfect? I hadn't expected him to take care of me like that. The kiss. I couldn't get our encounter at the party out of my mind. Were we now something more than friends? Dylan and Ava. Sounds nice. What was his last name again? I couldn't remember. Next time, I'd have to pay more attention to it. I kept imagining our future when I got ready. I took the dress and undergarments and walked towards the bathroom to take a shower. Just like everything else in this house, it was very big and fancy. His parents must have a lot of money. The question was just how much. A sudden fearful thought came into my mind: What if his parents wouldn't approve of me? If they're that rich, they'd certainly be strict, no?
I stepped into the shower. A chuckle left my mouth and my mind lit up as I imagined Dylan's perfect face. A flower shampoo, conditioner, and body lotion. He must like that smell.

After putting on the clothes, I looked into the mirror. The dress he had chosen fit me perfectly. It was colored in light pink with flowers at the tip of the skirt. I felt a little bit like a princess and Dylan was like my prince. Wait. What if he just thought of me as a friend or worse, a fling? No, that didn't fit him. But were his feelings really sincere? I really hoped so. At least he acted that way.

As I stepped into the huge living room which was connected to the kitchen, I saw Dylan making pancakes. Damn. Cooking suited him. He'd be a great dad. The way he flipped them looked so elegant.
I hadn't noticed I was staring intensely at him until he cleared his throat and wished me a good morning.
"How did you sleep? Was the bed comfortable?" He asked and took his time to look into my eyes. The jade color of his sparkled as if they were some kind of jewelry. I bit my lip as I replayed the previous events.
"Yes, thank you. I hope I didn't cause any trouble." I sat down on a bar stool right opposite to him. A cute smile made its way onto his lips, making my lips curve upwards as a response. I certainly could get used to this. Us.
"You could never cause me trouble. Do you still remember yesterday?" He asked. The kiss? I could never forget it.
"Yes, most of it," I said, suddenly getting a little embarrassed at the fact that I had blacked out yet again.
Dylan chuckled. And made a new pancake.
"You're cute, do you know that? How did you like it?"
He was referring to the kiss. I was pretty sure by the way his eyes dropped towards my lips.
"I enjoyed it. A lot." My eyes now too, were fully focused on his lips.
"Good, because I did, too. Do you want to go out for dinner tomorrow, after school?"
Did he just ask me on a date? OMG! My heart was beating faster than ever. This handsome guy right in front of me who is making pancakes for me just asked me on a date. My inner girl was jumping up and down. My smile got even bigger, making my eyes squint. I felt like the happiest person in the world.
"Yes. I'd love to." I eagerly answered
"Should I help you with something?"
"A kiss." He replied cheekily.
We both were just inches away from each other, as our eyes were staring at each other's lips. I was standing on my tippy toes and Dylan leaned down a bit until our lips finally met. It wasn't hectic, it wasn't out of lust. It was out of passion, and emotions. Feelings that were growing stronger each time I saw him and I hoped they wouldn't ever stop, just like I never wanted this kiss to end, us to end.

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