saturday, 24-5-2024rosé
aku udah di depan
kamu udah siap belum, sayang?suzy
okkk, no problem
i'll waittoday
sunday, 25-5-2024suzy
let me know kalo kamu udah sampai rumah ya
aku mau mandi dulurosé
just got home
aku juga deh
i had so much fun today, baby
thank you for today ya 🥺💖suzy
you already said that a moment ago, roséanne park 🙄
segitu senengnya kah? wkwkwkwkrosé
ofc i am!
wait mau keringin rambutsuzy
kamu keramas malam-malam gini?
apa ga masuk angin? omgrosé
jadwal keramassuzy
kebiasaan deh
nanti sakit
kan ada kamu
bu dokter
aku dokter gigi kalo kamu lupa
anyway itu emot chef?????rosé
my bad
ga kok
water heater is life saviour
aku selalu bilang tft itu karena kamu tuh sibukkkk terus
so it's a blessing day to spent more hours with my gf yang super busy itu
gladly to spent my hours before i'm going to bed and after work with you
harusnya aku nginap gak sih?
i wanna spend more time with you
no, kita berdua sih yang super sibuk
biarkan aku salting dulu sebentar
how can bu dokter kita ini bisa selucu ini sih asdkfkgglfdjsiw
i'm going insane
ok, love
i'll wait for you without complainingsuzy
kamu lupa kah kalau kamu juga mba mba model banyak job dan yang selalu diliatin wherever you go?
i'm gonna stab them with my own glare whenever they ask your number
ow ow owwww
chill out, cantik
i'm not gonna give them my number
imma give' em our invitation wedding instead
appreciate that
besok aja nginapnya
i took my annual leave for 5 days
qtime sampai mampus
aku ngantuj
g'night, sayang
thanks anyway
can't wait for tomorrow
i love you more, suzy park
can't sleep
kamu tidurnya udah nyenyak banget ya?
miss you alreadyrosé
i want you to know this from the bottom of my heart
that i love you with all of my being
you are my everything and i am loving spending the rest of my life with yourosé
growing with you and changing with you i believe is what makes this life special and i know i'm an introverted person but i am so glad that i found you. because i would probably be a very broken and hurt individual if it wasn't for you being in my life.rosé
today i was reminded of that when i was working out just of how you have influenced my life and how it's not all about the darkness it's also about the light too.rosé
i know i am rambling but you just mean so much to me and i can't wait to put a ring on your finger.rosé
please, sleep peacefully, love
cause i don't wanna hear you have all of those nightmares again
i will accompany yourosé
again, i love you.
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