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It's a Saturday morning, dark grey clouds forming over the sun.

I feel awful, my head spinning while I try to drag my feet across the room. Obviously, judging by the empty bottles on the floor, I've been drinking. Drinking a lot.
Oh a hangover then.

I try to brush the pain off and wash my face, then try to think about what could've I possibly done yesterday to have the things in my bathroom absolutely and utterly fucked up.

The curtains to my shower are ripped, my trash can is on the floor, it's contents spilling out revealing a bunch of used needles. Maybe I did drugs? I think.

All the towels were scattered across the floor and dirty, each and every one of them. The sink was also broken, a whole chunk of it missing from the edge.

The more I try to remember the more it becomes a faint memory. I seem to forget everything.

I make myself down the staircase of my house and the downstairs isn't looking any better either, worse actually. Red cups were scattered over the place, and I'm sure I smell a faint scent of vomit.

I try not to think too much of it and make myself a bowl of corn flakes and turn on the television. So, obviously, I got a party going on yesterday.

I have no idea what I've been doing, but it messed my place up. Each piece of furniture and floor is covered in something. Whether it be empty bottles, or cups, or illegal substances or even bodily fluids, no spot was left clear.

Thinking about cleaning this all up makes my head spin even more, so instead I turn my attention to the television.

The news were on. "Attention all citizens, the streets are deemed dangerous in the late hours. More than 20 people have dissapeared between the hour 22:00 to 1:00 am in the past few days. We further advise everyone to not leave their house between these hours, the police on a lookout.'

Huh a kidnapping. It's interesting enough, since this town is known for its low crime rate. Either way I don't care enough to watch more and put the empty bowl away, grabbing myself a glass of water.

Then I go look into the fridge. Shit.

No food. They ate everything.

It'll be a while before I'm hungry again, so grocery shopping should be on my list last. First of all, is my house. Well, the condition. I can't even walk through properly without tripping on glass bottles.

But with this headache I can't, I'm trying but I can't. 

I look for my phone but it's not in my pocket. With a groan I rub my eyes.

Fine then, I'll have to clean. Unfortunately.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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