Chapter 1

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What's wrong with me? All I'm seeing is siren flashes, the sound was lurking me in. Not away... Not unless I'm meant for this corrupted madness. I always feel hollow, like my face is not disguised enough.

Then my thoughts divert in a subliminal staged platform as I dive right into it. Never facing the reality of the musical pull. Demonic thoughts corrupt me, as if evil was more alive than ever. No matter how many times I doubted myself, I never steered from evil. That path was always welcoming.

Voices. Deep, dark male demonic voices clouds my mind. Sober, until nine in the evening hits. Violin fills the car, as I am subsidized from the fork in the road. Sickening thoughts telling me, do it, do it.

My only wish, was to know what to do. I have a hit list, but it is blank. I have enemies, sure but who? Where are they? Television was always the soundtrack. Meditation was needed at this moment, but it was too late.

Eventually everything goes pitched black. I am seeing everything in front of me. People of authority are all around me, robotic to my ears. Twitching fingers fell forward, I was strapped to a gurney. I was still very much Alive, I know now I have to have names on my hit list. Problems are becoming bigger, as the police officers tell me to calm down. I refused. "Where am I?!" I shouted, a question needed.

"Don't worry about it. Or, we will hand cuff you, instead of putting you in a mental hospital." I subjected the refusal. "Try me, then." I egged them all on. Eager for a fight. Corrupted society, little do they know that the future will melt.

Ice or flames, I could never tell on the outcome. Converting towards a non-religion was very much needed for my mentality. Violence, was far beneath angels. "We can handle this like children, or dream of a fight." The officers were laughing at me. Wanting to spit in my face. "We won't fight you." I looked over my shoulders, "okay," I half whispered to myself. Before today, I was eerily calm. Now? I'm in full rage, mode. Nothing could defy me. Only, spreading the hate will make it suffice.

"Now, now. We don't need your attention towards killed policemen. Do we?" I shrugged my shoulders, looking quietly mistaken. "But, there will be!" I screamed. Throwing punches left to right. The scene was so dense and dark and scary, that I was not aware of this selfish side of me. I was beginning to think I should have done this a long time ago. I hit at least four officers all in one hit.

This took no further thought, or training. "I can't hear your pathetic words. So, fight now." They were begging for a break. Suffering severe injuries. I was no longer strictly forbidden, I am forbidden. I knew exactly who these police officers are.

"Okay. We won't be easy on you anymore." They took out three needles, trying to restrain me. I knocked the needles out of there hands. Sharp, these needles flung away, almost scorching the other officers, trying to stand by. Trying to be backup, in case something else happened to them.

I was no longer nine in the evening. I needed rage to fulfill my heart. Nothing else satisfied me. Sober, or not, rage was the medicine. Then, the officers tried hard to hand cuff me, and I took all six of them down. "Ready for more?" Not technically a question. More, like a statement.

"No. This has gone on too far. We are through." I looked around. "Well, you're the one officer I came looking for. Let's finish this!" He looked at me, fathomed at my selfish abuse.

"Who are you?" I was through with him, before I said my name. "Kellenia." A woman with vengeance, superb at fighting. Her blonde hair hangs to her face, the right way. As if a good looking criminal on the runway. Out for the kill, now knowing her place, she won't stop at nothing.

More evenings spent without being sober, Kellina has had enough time from her chambers, contemplating. Before she knows it, everything feels like a room was falling from her own demise, capturing her fears right before her fate can tell her what was coming next. The textures all around her swarms, as if gravity leaves her feeling wheightless. Not until morning comes, does she notice she is passed out on the floor.

"Now, where am I?" Kellenia, explains. Disturbed thoughts entering her as she rights herself up. A welcoming male voice booms not too far ahead of her. "Welcome, young girl." This young man, was nodding his head as he introduces me to a what looks like an entire school. "School? What am I doing at a school?" He looks absent mindedly at me. As if knowing everything was the root of all there was to know. Understanding someone else, was entirely between the two. People, were everywhere. Waving at me, welcoming me in.

They all wore school uniforms. "Sir?" I asked him, kindly. "Where am I?" In another world, perhaps? "You're safe, that is all you need to know. You almost exposed magic to the unruly ones." Magic? "What?" I said, splurging for more words, as if to correct what I had done right. Even though there was nothing to correct. Because I was right.

He eyes me, suspiciously. "Magic, my dear lady! Have you ever heard the word, before?" I have, but I never... "I have, but I never believed that it was real." Were people supposed to believe in magic? I was the only one left out, then. "Well," he studies me. Giving me the full attention. As if I have the spotlight pouring over me. "Well, yes. Magic is real. It is only if you have it. Then, it is real." I laugh, all the while crying happy tears. "Wow, I never knew magic would bring this strong emotion!" I was blubbring like a big baby that I was.

He was greeting me, as the entire school was in an uproar over my welcoming. "Kellenia! Kellenia!" The entire shcool was chanting my name, over and over. It was a sheer sight to see. To be the number one star pupil, wihtout even begining any classes. To see so many people beliving in me. How on Earth can I have any enemies? I no longer needed to fulfill the hit list. It was clean slated, as soon as this feature was happening. I was needed elsewhere, I am welcomed here.

It was not till the feast had started, that we were trying on my school robes. So I would not look like the outcast, well I was not... but still. I felt like I needed my robes. I wanted to fill my stomach with the yummy foods they had prepared for us. Here, in the outskirts of a realm we like to call, Lowly, it was evident the people here were kind and friendly. I wanted to subject to more happier times. So, this feast will have to do for the biggest welcoming party, ever attended. I waited for the speech for the headmaster to clearify. He was busy at the moment. A look of pure darkness seers over his face.

"Our headmaster has best attenton for his students. Someone has shown up on our grounds, but do not fear." His entire school flusters at this news. I wanted nothing more than to eat. This, however was making me feel... icky. I wanted to raise my hand, but I did not. I had a few new friends to talk too, so maybe they will know once we know more. Vice, versa. I was eagerly waiting for the feast to come to us, but there was a loud banging sound near the front doors to the great hall. My chambers felt eerily small compared to this alarming sound.

My way back home was far from me. I have no plans of going back. I wanted nothing more than to dive right into this magical world, filling things like otherworldly possessions. I was greatly into that sort of thing. If it was not for the fact that our headmaster was defending us, we might have had a few dead students.

Encouraging the madness, a few of the professors were on the bad guys side.Supposedly these bad guys were after me. I knew that much, I could tell by the look in there eyes, they were after someone, special. It was me, obviously. Why else would they be here? They have hateful eyes boring into everyone. It was enough to start world wars. It never got that far, though. It could have...

If only I knew more. I could help out everyone, here. It seems like there weren't any evil groups here. If there were, I am naive, then. Before the evil group head out to my seat, the students around me, my friends were hiding me. "Don't talk to them." My newest friend tells me. I could not even decide what else to do. I was in a nonchalant mood, but angry enough to do something about it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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