Mikey; midnight rain

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(TW: slight trauma, alcoholism)

(++ Mikey and Y/N are aged up for reasons)

(best read in dark mode)

You hated your mother, always coming home late drunk, yelling at you, and hitting you.

You thought this was normal for every household, but the thing was you didn't know it wasn't yet.

You're only 18.. almost moving out soon. So why does your mother do this? She has changed since your father died when you were ten, she barely talks to you since then. Maybe it's because of the resemblance that you have your father's e/c eyes, your smooth s/c skin, or your h/c.. that resembles her deceased husband.

Your so upset, why can't you just look like your mother? Why did you have to inherit his traits? Because now she won't barely talk to you.

She talked to you a few minutes ago, yelling at your report card, and how you've supposedly talked back to her. 'What a shame! You're a disgrace to this family!' You remember clearly what she said. Honestly, you're not the disgrace, she is.

You sob, rocking yourself in your room as you hear her yelling over the phone in the kitchen, talking to her so-called boyfriend. She was drunk, and her so boyfriend was as well.

You bury your face in your hands, calming yourself down before putting on headphones.

Tonight was your night, to finally get out of this hell.

You packed your backpack, with your favorite sweatshirts, hoodies, tank tops, and shirts. As well as some nicknacks, and a few snacks and a water bottle you snuck earlier from the kitchen because why not?

You put a navy blue hoodie on, over a white tank top, and put on some sweatpants. As well a pair of white nike sneakers and a few bracelets. I mean, you didn't want to look homeless, right?

You put your backpack on, and peaked out of your bedroom door, glancing out into the hallway, it seemed like your mother was in the kitchen, near the foyer where the front door was, if you were to go out of the front door, you'd be caught, so you decided to take a risk and just go out your bedroom window. You turned off your bedroom light and put the fan on, mimicking you were going to bed, before opening the window slowly, not making a sound to get caught.

You climbed out of the window and shut it from the outside, you were perched on the metal platform, used to escape if there were a fire. You climbed down the ladders, and jumped onto the trash bin, and onto the pavement of the dark alley.

A few cats scattered, and some stayed and hissed at you. You sighed ruffling your hair, walking out of the alleyway as it started to rain. You looked up at the midnight sky as it started raining. You couldn't see the night sky clearly as it was covered in clouds as it poured rain.

You put your hood on and walked the streets, away from your apartment complex. You glanced over and saw two figures watching you from across the street. You got a bit unsettled, as you thought the streets of tokyo were safe at night.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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