Chapter 1

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Today is my 13th birthday, my mother won't let me have a party because of my heart problem and I'm currently sitting on the floor, with my legs crossed, crying. I can hear the knocking on my door getting louder. I bet 10 bucks it's Rebecca, my older sister. She's always been the responsible one, the serious one. I've come to acknowledge that I know I'm reckless, too reckless, but I can't help it. How can I act all serious and responsible when my heart might suddenly give up on me anyway? I love the adrenaline I get when I do something crazy and survive it, it shows me that if I never tried to do it, I wouldn't get to experience the thrill of it. But my mother hates it when I do anything, she barely ever lets me talk to the Winchester brothers anymore. But Rebecca can always do whatever she wants. I'm always so jealous of her but I know I shouldn't be, because she always does her best to make me happy.

I've decided to go downstairs to eat breakfast, I've given up on crying because I know it won't get me anywhere. Once I finally open the door to my room, I see Rebecca standing there, she looks worried, for me. "What do you want?" I ask her, I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone right now. Unless it's a Winchester brother. I've never really talked to Nash Winchester, he's 20, the oldest. Grayson is 14, Jameson is 13, and Xander is 12. Whenever I do spend time with the Winchester brothers, Nash is never there, and Xander is always trying to make some machine, so I end up mainly hanging out with Grayson and Jameson. 

"Emily, don't do this, you know I'm worried about you, mum is pissed that you are always so careless but please, just at least talk to me" Rebecca answers. I don't know what to take from that. I know she cares. She always has cared, always been there for me. But I just feel like I have to go back to that fictional world I feel like I'm in when I'm with Grayson and Jameson Winchester. "I'm sorry, I just don't feel like talking right now" I say, hoping Rebecca understands. "Okay, I'll leave." I sigh in relief as Rebecca walks off, now I've decided to find my mother, and convince her to invite the Winchesters over for a family birthday dinner, considering my grandmother is Cal Winchesters - the mastermind behind all the billions their family has - sister. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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