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Yn's pov: -

I woke Up when the sun light hit my face

You slowly went to your room
And lied on the bed

Time skipped~

You Again woke up and went downstairs
And saw
Lia was doing dishes

Yn: unnie
Lia: yes Mrs.kim
Yn: where is Taehyung
Lia: He went University
Yn: ohh

Lia: and I am really sorry mrs.kim
It was my mistake

Yn: No its okk

You Again went to your room and lied on the bed

You didn't go to collage

Taehyung 's pov:-

Today I came to  University earlier
Cause I am having some work

After finishing my work I went To the class


He entered the class
Everyone greeted him

But his eyes was searching for a one specific person

But Yn was not there

Taehyung: Why she didn't come today
Maybe she will be tierd (in mind)

After finishing his Class he went to his cabin And again started continue his work


You were liying on the bed while staring the ceiling
Yesterday incident was flashing in your mind

Tears left your eyes

But Suddenly your phone rang

You saw The caller id
And it was Yeonjun

You attend the call

Yn: hello

Yeonjun: heyy ynie
Are you free today

Yn: why ?

Yeonjun: yn can we meet Please

Yn: Yeonjun Please I am not in a mood

Yeonjun: yinee Please I need your help

Yn: ok fine

Yeonjun: ohh then come to xoxo cafe

Yn: okk

You cut the call
And you were thinking about what will happen if you go

Yn: Already He is giving me silent treatment
If he knows this
He definitely kill me

But Yeonjun told that he needs my help
Now what should I do

I will go
Taehyung will definitely not going to know this

You changed your cloths

Btw your outfit:-

Btw your outfit:-

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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