( putting this book on hold because I had forgotten the plot (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ) )
What happens when a cute cafe owner become wife of a dangerous mafia.
" so if your men try to harras u and I will save u from them, then it will be even " Tae said pouting.
" n...
" HOW THE HELL THIS HAPPENED " shout Jungkook in fury making everyone flinch.
" stop shouting bitch " said Hobi boringly looking at him.
" jungkook our men transporting weapons but that bitch Choi overtake and kill our men on the spot and took weapons " said Yoongi in anger.
" trace their location and get ready we are going to attack them now " said Jungkook coldly.
" find them, they are in Seoul highway I think they are going airport or forest?? " said Yoongi in confusion.
" must be airport because once they go out from Korea it become impossible for us to find him " said Jungkook.
" everyone is ready boss " said Irene blankly.
" let's go guys " said Jungkook and every one sit in different cars.
Jungkook sit in his own car, Irene and Jimin, Sehun, kai sit in one while Sope duo, Felix, Jack sit in one car Yoongi is driving while in other 5 cars sit guards gun loaded with bullets, they all have bluetooth connect.
" Jungkook he ain't going airport " said Yoongi looking through his iPad.
" look like they are having death wish today " said Jungkook blankly driving fast.
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" boss they enter in the forest " said Yoongi.
" they are trapping us " said Hobi.
" then let's get trapped " said Jungkook.
" NO JUNGKOOK STOP " shout Yoongi through his ear piece.
" what happened " ask Jungkook slowing the speed of his car.
" it's dangerous because there is no network in the forest and if you enter than we gonna loose connection which is dangerous because we don't know what is waiting for us inside " said Yoongi.
" yes we need to think cautiously" said Jimin.
" but why they choose forest there is no connection than they also don't have any system right " said Irene and Yoongi's eyes got wide.
" you are right wait a min " said Yoongi and type keys on his iPad his fingers working fastly.
" DAMN IT " grown Yoongi in anger.
" what happened " ask Jungkook.
" they have system but I can't hack it " said Yoongi in anger.
" why " ask Hobi.
". because I need a big system to break into their system which can't happen with this iPad " said Yoongi.
" FUCK than how we gonna catch him " said Jungkook in anger.