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Ricky's POV~
I sit at the dinner table, swirling around a glass of red wine. "What's on the agenda today?" I ask myself as my butler, Vinny, hands me my itinerary. "Not much going on. Just a couple of souls that'll be dropped off later by The Grim." He says. I bring the glass up to my lips and sip it slowly, licking my lips of excess liquid. I set the glass down and stand up quickly. "See if you can get Angelo on the line." I say. Angelo is the Grim Reaper. We have tea prties on Tuesday, and I just wanted to know what kind of snack he wanted. I want to have my chef make finger sandwiches. Vinny walks back into the dining area and says, "I couldn't get ahold of him directly, but his secretary said she will have him call you back." I nod my head. I pick up the glass of wine and start walking back towards my office.

Other than being with my best friend, Vinny was the only person I could lil time with. Well him, and the human I watch in heaven. I sit down at my desk, sipping the wine and turning towards the fireplace. I wave my hand and sparks fly as a dark red fire starts. I wave my hand again and lean back as a clear vision of my human shows up in the blood colored flames. He didn't seem to be doing very well again today. I tap my glass to insinuate that I wanted more wine, and Vinny runs to refill my glass. 'You're fucking stupid and hopeless! I can't believe I gave birth to such a fucking waste of space!' His mother yells. He just lowers his head and takes it.

First, the yelling. Next, the hitting. His mom backhanded him and I audibly gasped. My eyes start to fill with tears. I've been watching him ever since he was born. At first, when I visited the Earth realm, he was intrigued by me. No other child could see me but him. I became intrigued by him. As he got older, I watched out for him more. The abuse started when he was 16 and I wanted to burn his moms house down, but I knew if I did that, he'd be out of a home too. I just started developing feelings for him a few months ago. He just recently celebrated his 23rd birthday. 'I'm sorry mom. It won't happen again.' He said, standing up and limping to his room. He just can't escape it. I wave my hand, not being able to watch this torture anymore, and it turns back into a normal fire.

I turn back to Vinny. He looks at me and shakes his head. "I wasn't gonna do anything." I say, defensively. "With all due respect, Your Highness, I know exactly what you're thinking and no do not reveal yourself to him." He says. I just scoff and stand up, going to look into my mirror. I was about to go bother Angelo, when all of a sudden I heard the echoes of a prayer.

Not just any prayer, my prayer. "Join me, Vinny?" I ask, holding out my hand. "No thank you," He says, "but I'll be waiting here with your wine for you." I just smile and hop through the mirror. I don't really know where I'm going. The mirror was like a wormhole. I just let it take me wherever I am needed most. I don't wreak havoc on people anymore. That only happened when I was about 1500 years younger. Now that I'm older and more mature, I try to help people. With the price of their soul. I got to my destination and walked through an opposite mirror. I am very lucky this person has a full length mirror or I would've been fucked. Being twisted up in tiny ass mirrors is not fun.

"You rang?" I ask. The realization hit me when my summoner looked up at me. His eyes grew wide and he backed away from me quickly. "Who are you?" He asks in that enchanting voice. My eyes follow him to the corner, but I do not move an inch. "You called me.' I said, amused. "N- no. I was praying." He said. I gave him a look of 'what the fuck'. "Yeah, to me." I say, walking over to the book he was reading from. "That's my Bible." He said. I closed it and looked at the cover. I show him the dark red letters in the black leather. "Of the Devil." I said, pointing at the words. I smile and step closer to him. Staring into his big brown eyes. "What is it that you want from me, Chris?" I asked him. His eyes relaxed and his muscles did as well.

"Revenge." He said. I smile wider. "Yes." I say, my eyes now getting wider. "I want revenge on everyone who hurt me in my life. My college peers. My mom. Everyone. And don't stop until they're all dealt with." He continued. He stood up. I waved my hand and a contract appeared. "You know what making a deal with the Devil means?" I asked him. He shook his head no. "I fulfill your every wish and command, like revenge. When that has been completed, I take your soul." I say. "That's ok. As long as I have my revenge." He said back, going to grab a pen. "Aht aht." I say, stopping him. He looks at me confused as I reach my hand to my hair. I take out the long pin that was holding it up, and my black hair falls to just right above my knees. I take his hand and prick his finger. "We deal with blood." I say. He grimaces at the pain, but signs the contract. As soon as he was done signing his name, the contract went up in flames. Sealing the deal.

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