|1| leave your empire to me

121 20 22

The bell rang, signaling the start of the second period. The hallway buzzed with students shuffling to their respective classes, laughter and conversations echoing off the lockers.

Students inside a class were quarreling about the homework the teacher gave them yesterday and how politics should not be advised to teenagers and that they are too brainless to form opinions for the country.

The door to room 214 swung open, and a tall man with neatly combed hair and a crisp suit walked in. He had an air of confidence and authority that immediately commanded attention. Setting the numerous files he had on his hand onto the desk he looked up to face the class.

"Good morning, everyone," he announced with a calm, deep voice. The class quieted down after the teacher entered the room. After the students notices his presence, the once silent faces in the class grew confused. One of the students raises his hand and rose from his desk." Mr.Kim, this is not your class, your class is in the 5th hour".

"There has been a little setback and your current teacher for the period might not be able to make it on time..so I will be your substitute teacher today. I understand that history is the subject of the hour, so let's start off right away." He rummaged the desk for markers and turned to the board.

The students exchanged glances, some whispering among themselves, but quickly quieted down as Mr. Kim started to write on the whiteboard.

"Today, we'll be exploring the fall of the Roman Empire," he said, underlining the topic. "Can anyone tell me the main factors that led to the collapse of one of the greatest civilizations in history?"

A few hands shot up. Mr. Kim pointed to a student in the front row. "Yes, go ahead."

"Military overreach and invasions by barbarian tribes," the student answered.

"Very good," Mr. Kim responded with a nod. "Indeed, external pressures played a significant role. But there were also internal factors—economic troubles, political corruption, and the gradual decay of traditional values. The fall of Rome is a complex tapestry woven from many threads."

As he spoke, Mr. Kim moved fluidly around the room, engaging students with questions and encouraging discussion. And soon, a debate started around how modern societies could learn from Rome's decline.

About halfway through the class, Mr. Kim paused to take a sip of water from a bottle he had brought. He could hear some students wooing on the background but couldn't figure out why.

He glanced at his watch, then back at the students.

"Now, here's a question for you all to ponder," he said, setting the bottle down.

"If you were a citizen of Rome during its last days, what would you do to try and save the empire? Would you attempt to reform the government, strengthen the military, or perhaps focus on social and economic issues?"

The room fell silent as the students considered the question. Mr. Kim walked slowly to the side of the room, his gaze sweeping over the rows of desks, waiting for a response.

A few moments passed before he heard a voice, clear and firm, but not from any of the students. "You'd have to address the root causes—political corruption and economic instability—before any real change could happen."

Mr. Kim turned sharply towards the source of the voice. Standing in the doorway, leaning on the side with a faint smile and an air of casual authority. The students turned in unison, surprised to see their regular teacher.

"Mr. Jeon," Mr. Kim said, a hint of surprise in his voice. "I didn't expect you back so soon."

Mr. Jeon stepped into the room, giving a nod of acknowledgment to Mr. Kim. "Just tying up some loose ends." He put his handa inside his pocket. "Thought I'd check in on my class."

He looked around at the students, who were now watching the two teachers with interest and raised his eyebrows at the sudden attention.

Mr. Kim regained his composure quickly. "Well, your timing is impeccable. We were just discussing potential solutions to save a crumbling empire."

Mr. Jeon turned towards him, smile widened. "One of my favorite topics." Mr.Kim raised his eyebrows. 

He turned to the class. "Mr. Kim has given you all some excellent points to consider. Who wants to tackle his question?"

The students looked back and forth between the two teachers, clearly confused about what to pick. Mr Kim then announced, "This will be your work for tomorrow. I need a discussion of why the empire fell and whether it would be possible to save it from destruction."

The students started muttering among themselves on how they'd rather destruct themselves or something, but Mr.Kim couldn't make it out.

He started gathering his things when Mr.Jeon walked in the corner, "Well, Mr. Kim, it seems you've survived yet another day without me."

 "Barely. I must admit, the students have given me a run for my money."Mr. Kim chuckled

Mr. Jeon smirked. "I'll take that as a compliment. They certainly keep us on our toes, don't they?"

Mr. Kim grinned in return. "Absolutely". Mr. Jeon then looked back at the students, "And now, if you'll excuse me, I have a class to reclaim."

Mr. Kim nodded a playful glint in his eye. "Of course. I'll leave you to your...empire."

As Mr. Kim made his way to the door, Mr. Jeon called after him. "Don't worry, Mr. Kim, I won't let it fall in your absence."

Mr. Kim turned back, offering a mock salute. "Good luck, Mr. Jeon. Try not to let the barbarians at the gate get to you."

With that, Mr. Kim exited the room, leaving Mr. Jeon to his students. The students, amused by the exchange, watched their regular teacher with his newfound interest in history. Mr. Jeon shook his head, a smile playing on his lips.

"Alright, class," he said, clapping his hands together. "Let's pick up where we left off in the last class. Who's ready to solve x in the previous equation?"


This is my first time writing a book, so please spare me. 

I wrote this book only cuz the fandom is extremely deprived of teacherxteacher content. So I thought, why not to take it into my own hands. 

Anyhow, Please enjoy!

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