|15| chivalry lived fast and died young

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A/N : sOoooo many dialogues, not a particularly huge chapter but enjoooooy!

The morning light filtered through the windows of the school, casting a soft glow on the familiar hallways. Taehyung felt a surge of giddiness that he hadn't experienced in years. Every step he took reminded him of the night before—of Jungkook's touch, his kiss, the way their bodies had fit together so perfectly. He couldn't help but smile as he made his way to his classroom.

The rational part of him wanted to maintain his professionalism, but the memory of Jungkook's eyes, dark with desire, his touches that had set Taehyung's skin on fire, made it hard to think straight.

How can I focus on teaching history, when all I can think about is when history was made yesterday?

 Every glance, every accidental touch he felt was electric. For him it felt like a secret, a thrilling, exhilarating secret.

Taehyung entered his classroom, greeting his students with his usual enthusiasm, but his thoughts kept drifting back to Jungkook. He wondered if Jungkook felt the same way, if he was as distracted and bothered by the memory of their night together.

Jungkook couldn't physically stop smiling.

Every touch, every glance they had shared that morning had sent shivers down his spine. The night before had been everything he had dreamed of and more. The connection he felt with Taehyung was something he had never experienced before—intense, passionate, and undeniably real.

Some students in the hallway grew slightly concerned that their math teacher was weirdly smiling.

How am I supposed to teach math when all I can think about is Taehyung?, feeling the warmth spread through his chest.

Every time I see him, I remember the way he looked at me, the way he touched me, those eyes that carried the innocence of the entire world, crumbling to desires when it layed on me, It's like nothing else matters.

The professional side of him knew they had to be careful, but the part of him that was head over heels for Taehyung couldn't help but crave more.

After his class had ended, Jungkook was strolling in the hallway, stressed about his work, along with his lack of sleep. He failed to notice that somebody was walking in his direction and nearly bumped into them.

"Oh fancy seeing you Mr.Jeon". Jungkook lifted his head to meet Taehyung looking as professional as ever.

Taehyung asked,"Morning, Jungkook. Did you sleep well?"

Jungkook blinking away his sleep replied, "Hardly. Only because I was dreaming about you."

Taehyung grinned, holding a cup of coffee. "I brought you coffee. Figured you might need it after last night."

Taehyung took the cup, their fingers brushing. "You know me too well. Thank you."

Jungkook's heart skipped a beat at the touch, the simple gesture charged with meaning.

Taehyung noticed that the other half was distracted by something and just blindly stared at him. He noticed Jungkook's tie was crooked. "Your tie is crooked."

Jungkook smirked. "Maybe you should fix it for me, then."

Taehyung stepped closer, straightening the tie, their faces inches apart. His hands grazed Jungkook's navel, fingers barely touching the skin. The air was thick with unspoken words and longing glances.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung, squinting his eyes at the other. "Do you always look this good in the morning?"

Taehyung laughed. "Only when I've had a good reason to smile."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, but nevertheless smiled, "Glad to know somebody is happy with my existence."

"Well. Mr. Jeon, I'm frankly surprised. You seem to be in very good condition"

"What's that supposed to mean, Mr. Kim?" He raised an eyebrow, demanding an explanation.

Taehyung slowly crept towards the other with a smirk in his face, making Jungkook slightly taken aback. "Judging from the wreckage caused yesterday by some deepest, darkest, swirling waves of" He waved his hand in curves, instead of explaining in detail, "I figured you'd have to take a rest ashore"

Jungkook let out a incredulous laugh, "Mr. Kim, the only one that needs to lower the anchor is you. I'm surprised your vocal chords still work"

"Coffee helps" The latter shurgged.

"You seriously need to lower down your caffeine consumption." Jungkook sighs and mulls over. "If you die early, then how can I live on" 

"Live fast and die young, I guess"

"I'm sending you a detox kit the moment I get home. And I dont want you planning a Boston Coffee party any moment from now or ever. " He declares.

Taehyungs eyebrows crinkled, sighing softly, "Why are you even doing this for me?"

"Maybe because I'm chivalrous?" He replied but it sounded more like a question.

Taehyung's face falls, "Chivalry was dead the moment you put my shoes on the wrong foot in the morning!"

"I was trying to be nice, and would you not know, I'm usually not nice. So, the nicer part is always a rare event. Be grateful I'm being lovestruck to you, bun". Jungkook, all but rapped the sentence.

Taehyung replied nonchalantly. "Well, looks who is talking. Being all lovey dovey in the morning. And dont call me a piece of bread."

"Your highness seems to be allergic to love today. But I could argue that yesterday I did seem to be making you scream-"
Taehyung slapped his palm on the latter's mouth effectively shutting him up.

"I didn't ask, nor do I want to know" Although his expression suggested the opposite to Jungkook.

Before Taehyung could make a move, Jungkook gripped his hand from his mouth and dragged his to the nearby room.

It was dark on the inside and allowed no light to enter from the corridor, providing the perfect place for both of them.

Taehyung started, "Jungkook, what are you-" and was interrupted by the latter slamming his lips onto the other. It didn't take the other long to melt into the other's touch.

Jungkook's hands went from his waist to the other's hair, messing it in the process.

"I want you to know about it. In detail"

The kiss broke after they lost their breath, panting while eyes locking into each other in the dark, barely leaving.

"You know....we really need to stop doing this" Taehyung breathed in-between words.

Jungkook smiled, although he doubt it would be visible in the dark. " Well, then you should stop tempting me"

Taehyung looked at him with narrow eyes, "If you call that tempting, then I'm afraid to inform you that you will be transformed into a greek god by the end of the week"

Jungkook's hummed in response but made no move in letting the other go. Instead his hands only travelled lower, prompting the other to drop his neck on his shoulder and gripping it tightly, the other hand in his waist "Don't start what you can't stop" Taehyung groaned.

Jungkook turned his head towards him and whispered in his neck, "Try me"


This was supposed to end cute. I had no idea what demon possessed me.

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