|3| burn your souls with coffee and math

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The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden hue over the downtown streets. Mr. Kim walked briskly towards the quaint coffee shop that Mr. Jeon had mentioned. As he approached, he spotted Jeon through the window, already seated at a corner table with a perfect view of the sunset glazing over his back.

Kim stepped inside, the doorbell jingling softly. Jeon looked up and smiled, waving him over. "You're late, Mr. Kim," he teased as Kim approached the table. "I was starting to think you got lost in a historical reenactment."

Kim rolled his eyes good-naturedly as he took a seat. "Oh, spare me your history jokes. Maybe you should try some math jokes instead—though I suppose those would be equally ancient."

Jeon chuckled. "Touché. But I think I'll stick with what I know best."

They settled into their seats, admiring the vibrant sunset painting the sky in shades of orange and pink. Jeon glanced at Kim, his eyes reflecting the fiery hues outside. "You know, sunsets are like the grand finales of the day—much like us, reaching the peak of our teaching careers."

Kim smirked and raised his eyebrows. "Are you saying we're both washed-up and just waiting to fade into darkness?"

Jeon laughed. "No, I'm saying we still have plenty of light left in us. Besides, even the most beautiful sunsets need a bit of darkness to truly shine."

They both chuckled, bickering back and forth on what darkness has to do with sunsets. A waiter approached their table to take their orders.

"I'll take a strong black coffee" Kim replied, prompting Jeon to raise his eyebrows, "You do like to burn your soul with coffee I see."

Kim then chuckled. "Not fond of what it does to my body internally, but it does help me get through my day."

As they were waiting for their drinks, they began to chat about the day's events and the various dramas that unfolded at school.

Kim stated how their students were sure that plagiarism existed in ancient times too and it was only because they are all dead no one knows about it, while Jeon recalled today when he was writing on the board when some students were giggling at him but didn't know what was going on.

The arrival of their coffees provided a distraction. The waiter set down Kim's black coffee and Jeon's cappuccino, and they both took a moment to appreciate the comforting aroma.

As Kim took a sip, he noticed a hint of foam on Jeon's upper lip. Without thinking, he licked his own lips, a gesture that didn't go unnoticed by Jeon, who quickly averted his gaze, a slight blush coloring his cheeks.

"So, what's the most outrageous thing you've seen a student do?" Jeon asked, regaining his composure.

Kim chuckled, shaking off his earlier distraction. "Oh, there are so many contenders for that title. But I think the most memorable was when once a student tried to create a volcano for a science project and ended up setting off the fire alarms. A full half of the school had to evacuate."

Jeon laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Well yes, I remember it happening, although I was at the other part of the school, it did create some chaos inside my classroom. I admit that sounds like quite the adventure.

Kim then asked, "What about you? Although I have no idea what goes on in Math classes. The whole thing in general is outrageous"

Jeon chuckled. "My students are more verbal with their antics. I had one kid in the middle of math class who insisted that the moon landing was a hoax and tried to convince the entire class with a PowerPoint presentation. Maybe I taught him too much Math."

Kim then realized, "Ah, I remember that kid. He was the same one that argued with me over it. Too bad you mushed his brain with math like drugs so he decided to give up."

"Bold of you to assume math are like drugs. If math were drugs then I'd be a drug addict in no time"

Kim then looked at them with disinterest. "Then I'd be the most sober person on the planet. Who even likes math anyway"It was only after he stated it, then he realised.

Jeon smirked at him, while Kim sheepishly smiled at him, "Alright, my bad I forgot I was talking to said person that lives and breaths drugs"

Jeon shakes his head and laughs, the sound mingling with the soft background music of the coffee shop. The conversation flowed effortlessly, transitioning from school antics to more personal topics.

Their laughter filled the small corner of the coffee shop, drawing a few curious glances from other patrons. The conversation flowed effortlessly, transitioning from school antics to more personal topics.

Kim glanced over at Jeon and found himself captivated by Jeon's features. The way the dim light highlighted Jeon's sharp jawline and the glimmer in his eyes made him realize just how attractive Jeon was. The realization struck Kim suddenly, leaving him momentarily speechless as he admired Jeon's easy smile and confident demeanor.

"So, what about family and relationships?" Jeon asked, his tone light but his eyes searching.

Kim felt a knot form in his stomach. "Ah, well... I've been pretty focused on work," he said, trying to sound casual. "Haven't really had much time for anything else."

Jeon nodded, his own demeanor becoming slightly guarded. "Yeah, same here. Work does have a way of taking over, doesn't it?"

An awkward silence settled between them, both visibly uneasy. Just then, a sudden roar of thunder echoed outside, and the once beautiful sunset was replaced with dark, unsettling clouds, as rain suddenly started pouring outside.

Jeon stared at the falling rain, zoning out. He was momentarily distracted by Kim jumping from his seat, glancing at his watch.

"What's wrong?" Jeon looks at the other standing.

"It's getting late, and I have some work to finish up," he said quickly, grabbing his coat. "I should get going."

Jeon stood up as well, looking slightly disappointed but understanding. "Alright, but when are we meeting again?" he called after Kim, his voice carrying a hint of hope.

Kim paused at the entrance, turning back with a playful smile, inches near Jeon "How about another series of fortunate coincidences?" he replied, mimicking Jeon's earlier tone.

Jeon grinned. "Sounds like a plan, Mr. Kim. Don't let the barbarians at the gate keep you away."

Kim laughed, stepping out into the rain. As he jogged home, the rain soaking through his clothes, he couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement at the prospect of their next meeting. 

The evening had been unexpectedly enjoyable, and despite the brief moment of panic, he found himself looking forward to more conversations and shared laughter with Jeon.

As the rain poured down, Kim's thoughts were filled with the warmth of Jeon's smile and the playful banter they had shared.

Jeon looks at him from behind. Leaning over the entrance door and watching as the other gets soaked through the sleeves. The butterflies in his stomach had turned into a storm of their own, leaving him both exhilarated and eager for what the future might hold.

Don't do drugs people. Do math :D

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