|4| trignometric confusions not equations

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Rain pelted against the windows of Kim's apartment as he stepped inside, drenched from head to toe. After he parted ways with Jeon the rain started to get worse and worse.

With a sigh, he kicked off his shoes and peeled off his soaked shirt, tossing it into a pile by the hallway, droplets of the rain still clinging over his body. He ran a hand through his damp hair, strands clinging to his forehead, as he made his way to the bathroom.

The warm glow of the bathroom light welcomed him as he stepped in, shutting the door behind him. He stared at his face on the mirror.

Nothing out of the ordinary, just the same.

He turned on the shower, letting the steamy water cascade over his tired muscles. As the water washed away the rain and tension from the day, his thoughts drifted back to Mr. Jeon.

Jeon's laughter echoed in his mind, and the memory of their shared conversation brought a soft smile to Kim's lips. He couldn't shake the image of Jeon's bright eyes and easy smile, or the warmth that had filled the coffee shop as they talked.

Lost in his thoughts, Kim reached for the soap, lathering it between his hands before spreading it over his skin. The sensation was soothing, almost meditative, and he closed his eyes, allowing himself to fully relax for the first time that day.

As he rinsed off the soap and let the warm water wash over him, he couldn't help but again replay their conversation in his mind. The way Jeon's gaze had lingered on him, the playful banter they had shared—it all felt so natural, so comfortable.

This is definitely not ordinary...but I like it

With a reluctant sigh, Kim turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, wrapping himself in a towel. Drying his hair, he padded back into the living room, where his phone lay on the desk. Picking it up, he found a message from Jeon, expressing how much he had enjoyed their meetup. Kim's heart skipped a beat as he typed out a reply, echoing Jeon's sentiments before setting his phone aside.

Jeon has a small smile playing on his lips as he reads Kim's response. He sets his phone on the bedside table, feeling a warmth spread through him as he settles into bed, thoughts of Kim swirling in his mind until sleep takes over him.

(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ couple days later

Mr. Kim is sitting in the staff lounge during a free hour, staring into space as he ponders the events of the previous evening. He lost count of the many times his mind wandered to their conversation a couple of days ago. How he witnessed this man up close, staring into his eyes as if the whole world revolves around them.

He was lost in thought that he failed to notice  Mr. Jeon entering the room, looking as if a storm had hit him in the face. Upon laying eyes on Kim, a grin lit up his face as he approached.

"Meeting like this again, Mr. Kim?" Jeon teased, taking a seat across from him.

Kim was snapped back into reality and chuckled, his mind still partially elsewhere. "Seems to be our fate, Mr. Jeon. I should start charging admission for our accidental rendezvous."

Jeon laughed, leaning back in his chair. "Or we could just accept that the universe has a strange sense of humor." 

As their conversation lingered, Kim found himself once again captivated by Jeon's presence. The way his eyes sparkled with mischief, the way his laughter filled the room—it was as if they were in their own little bubble, shielded from the chaos of the outside world.

Jeon leaned forward with a mischievous glint in his eye. "You know, Mr. Kim, you're like a parallelogram—so fascinatingly parallel, yet never seem to intersect with my world."

Kim blinked and raised an eyebrow, suppressing a smirk. "Well, Mr. Jeon, if I'm a parallelogram, then you must be a right angle—always trying to be straight, but never quite making it."

Jeon chuckled, undeterred. "Ah, but Mr. Kim, you forget the power of the right angle. It's the cornerstone of geometry, just as you are the cornerstone of my day."

Kim rolled his eyes playfully. "Oh, spare me your geometry lessons, Mr. Jeon. Stick to history. Your jokes are almost as ancient as the civilizations I teach about."

Jeon laughed, shaking his head. "Fair enough, Mr. Kim. But I'll have you know, my jokes are like a good polynomial equation—full of complexity, yet with a simple solution: laughter."

Kim smirked, unable to resist the challenge. "Too bad, Mr. Jeon, your jokes are more like a faulty trigonometric function—always promising a solution, but ultimately leading to confusion."

Jeon looked offended, placing a hand over his heart. "Ouch, Mr. Kim, that's a low blow. But I suppose I can forgive you, just this once. After all, even the most obtuse angles can't resist a good joke."

Kim chuckled, shaking his head. "I suppose you're right, Mr. Jeon. I'll give you credit—you do have a way with numbers, even if they do leave me feeling a bit...acute."

Jeon grinned, leaning back in his chair triumphantly. "Well, Mr. Kim, it seems we've reached a conclusion: you may be the master of history, but when it comes to math jokes, I'm the ruler."

Kim laughed, unable to argue with Jeon's mini-brain logic. "Touché, Mr. Jeon. But let's agree to leave the jokes to the experts, shall we? I think we both have plenty of other talents to showcase."

Jeon nodded, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "Agreed, Mr. Kim. Though I must admit, our banter is quite...additive."

Kim grinned, feeling a warmth spread through him at Jeon's playful tone. "Indeed, Mr. Jeon. It seems our conversations are always multiplying in their entertainment value."

As they continued to exchange playful remarks, their banter gradually faded into a comfortable silence. Kim found himself drawn to Jeon's eyes, the way they sparkled with humor and intelligence. Lost in his thoughts, he wondered what it would be like. A single moment where both their gazes met. Slowly they lean in and—

Before he could finish the thought, the door to the lounge swung open, and another teacher entered, breaking the moment. Kim blinked, suddenly aware of the awkwardness of the situation.

Jeon cleared his throat, straightening in his chair. "Ah, well, it seems our time here is up," he said, forcing a casual tone.

Kim nodded, feeling a flush of embarrassment color his cheeks. "Yes, indeed. Until next time, Mr. Jeon."

They exchanged a quick glance, the lingering tension between them dissipating in an instant. With a polite nod to the newcomer, they both rose from their seats and made their way out of the lounge, each lost in their own thoughts as they parted ways, their accidental rendezvous coming to an end—for now.

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