|5| numbers and letters

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As the weeks passed, Mr. Kim and Mr. Jeon found themselves caught up in the whirlwind of teaching and preparing for midterms. Their accidental meeting became less frequent as their schedules filled with grading papers, preparing lesson plans, and rounding on classes. It wasn't long before they had midterms starting.

One afternoon, as they both sat in the staff lounge during a rare break, the conversation turned to their respective subjects.

"You know, Mr. Jeon," Kim began, a hint of teasing in his voice, "I can't fathom how anyone could find math interesting. It's all numbers and equations—boring stuff if you ask me."

Jeon raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "And yet, Mr. Kim, history is just a series of events that have already happened. What's the excitement in that?"

Kim chuckled, shaking his head. "At least history has stories, drama, and intrigue. Math is just... numbers."

Jeon leaned forward, his expression animated. "But Mr. Kim, math is the language of the universe! It's the foundation of everything we see and experience."

Kim rolled his eyes, unconvinced. "Well, I suppose that's one way to look at it. But give me a thrilling tale of conquest and betrayal over a complex equation any day."

Jeon chuckled, shaking his head. "Agree to disagree, Mr. Kim. But I'll have you know, there's a beauty in the simplicity of mathematics that you seem to overlook."

Their banter continued as they prepared their respective lesson plans and set papers for their upcoming midterms. Despite their differences in opinion, they found a common ground in their dedication to their students and their passion for teaching.

"It's hard to believe it's already time for midterms," Kim remarked, sorting through a stack of papers.

Jeon nodded, his brow furrowed in concentration as he reviewed his lesson plans. "Indeed. It feels like just yesterday we were welcoming the students back from break."

In between their busy schedules, they managed to steal moments for meetups on the different premises of the school. They shared stories of classroom antics, student achievements, and the occasional mishap, each interaction strengthening the bond between them.

Jeon was in his staff room rummaging through paperwork when he was interrupted by a knock. It prompted him to lift his head from the sheets only to spot Kim.

"Ah, Mr. Kim," Jeon greeted with a smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "What brings you to this corner of the school?"

Kim returned the smile, feeling a warmth spread through him at the sight of Jeon. "Just the daily grind of teaching, Mr. Jeon. What about you? Paperwork getting the best of you?"

Jeon chuckled, shaking his head. "You could say that. But I find the company of a certain history teacher makes it much more bearable."

Kim smirked, stepping closer. "Well, I'm flattered, Mr. Jeon. But I must warn you, I'm not an easy teacher to impress."

Jeon raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eye. "Oh, I'm up for the challenge, Mr. Kim. Consider me your eager student, ready to learn."

Their laughter echoed through the empty hallway as they continued their playful exchange, their voices mingling with the sound of passing students.

Meanwhile, from Jeon's perspective, their flirtatious banter provided a welcome distraction from the stress of midterm preparations.

As they both were talking, after a while, he leaned against his locker, sorting through papers, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement whenever Kim appeared. There was something about the way their conversations flowed effortlessly, the way their laughter filled the air, that made Jeon's heart race.

"So, Mr. Jeon," Kim said, breaking through Jeon's thoughts, "any exciting plans for after midterms? I hear there's a new exhibit at the museum—I thought you might be interested."

Jeon smiled, feeling a warmth spread through him at the invitation. "I'd love to, Mr. Kim. It sounds like the perfect way to unwind after the chaos of midterms."

Their eyes met, and for a moment, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them standing inside his office, lost in their own little bubble.

As they parted ways, each with a promise to meet up later, Jeon couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for their next encounter. Despite the stress of midterms looming overhead, he knew that with Mr. Kim by his side, anything was possible.

As they continued to prepare, the tension in the room grew. The weight of responsibility hung heavy in the air, each teacher acutely aware of the impact their exams would have on their students' grades.

Finally, the moment arrived. As the students filed in and took their seats, Kim and Jeon exchanged a glance. Despite the challenges and disagreements they had faced, they shared a mutual understanding and respect for each other's dedication to their craft.

"Good luck, Mr. Jeon," Kim whispered, a small smile playing on his lips.

Jeon nodded, returning the smile. "And to you as well, Mr. Kim. May the best subject win."

With that, they began handing out the question papers, their voices filling the room with a sense of purpose and anticipation. As the students settled in to begin their exams, Kim and Jeon stepped back, watching with pride as their hard work came to fruition, and the sound of pens scratching against paper filled the room.

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