Edgy teenagers

15 0 3



Mark was stuck in his room for 3 days. He was contemplating shooting himself in the head. With trembling hands, he lifted the gun to his temple, finger hovering above the trigger. 


Mark flinched, the gun falling right out of his hands. Mark shut his eyes tight, hoping this was a nightmare.

"Uh..mister?" There was a boy with dark skin and pink hair, cracked glasses hanging on the collar of his school uniform. The tentacles behind the boy disappeared as he put his glasses back on, a girl who looked similar to him standing beside him. "You scared him out of his brains, genius." The girl rolled her eyes. She had the same pink hair but with blue and purple highlights, a pink and white hoodie crop top. 

The boy steadily picked the gun up, handing it back to Mark. "I believe this is yours." Mark was stunned. He had no idea what to do but sit in shock. "May you kindly educate us on what we have stumbled across and what the hell was outside your door?" The boy folded his arms, the girl nudging him in the ribs, adding in a "Be nice!"

Mark gulped, getting up from his bed. "Uh- A-..Alternates. They're like dopplegangers.." Mark's voice was barely above a whisper, hoarse and raspy. "I see..dopplegangers.." The boy held his hands behind his back. "Do you suggest we make a move to avoid getting killed by these..'alternates'?" The boy held a claw out for Mark.

Mark didn't know if he could trust the two, but seeing Alternate Cesar's dead corpse was convincing enough to make him want to leave with them. Mark hesitantly grabbed the boy's hand, following the two out of his house. Mark grabbed a couple of items in a backpack before leaving, a flashlight, a bible, a rosary, a walkie talkie and his valuables, including a locket with a picture of him and Cesar in it. Betrayer.

"..What's your names." Mark finally mustered up as they exited the house. The two exchanged glances. "Tenel and Tenela Wiseblood. We're siblings." The two said in unison before turning to each other again. "Sibling telepathy." They said at the same time.

"Mark Heathcliff." Mark replied as they made their way out of the neighbourhood.

"Where do you two think we should go?" Mark had tied his jacket around his waist now, following behind the two. "Well, Mr Smarty-pants here thinks we should go blah blah blah do this, do that find water and food and friends blah blah blah 'I'm a genius!' blah blah blah 'I study a lot!' and..HEY IS THAT THISTLE??" Tenela was in the middle of mocking Tenel for always planning things out before she pointed to a blonde girl with her hair tied in a distance. 

The girl stared for a moment. Why wasn't she coming towards them? "Uh..Thistle..?" Tenela called out again. Then the girl's jaw stretched in a disturbing manner, her limbs stretching easily like rubber as she started running towards them.

"Tenela, run!" Tenel grabbed Tenela's hand and started to run. Mark froze. "Shit..shit shit shit! Run, Heathcliff! Run!" Mark's mind screamed at him. But he was stuck to the spot. "Mark, snap out of it!" Tenel screamed at him. Mark shook his thoughts away and grabbed the gun from his gun holster, firing multiple rounds at the Alternate. The Alternate screamed in pain as Mark fired more shots, eventually crumpling to the ground.

Mark panted heavily, his heart pumped full of adrenaline. "Close call." Mark muttered to himself as he reloaded his gun, putting it back and walking back to the side of Tenel and Tenela. "Woww!! Brother, brother! He can use a gun! Isn't that cool?? I wish you could use a gun too but you're so lame and only use your-mmph!" Tenela got cut off as Tenel covered her mouth.

"I really think you should shut the fuck up, dearest sister. Before I destroy your drunk elephant." Tenel hissed. Mark stared at the two while walking alongside them, concerned. He and Sarah used to fight a lot, but threatening to destroy things? Too far.

"I really appreciate that you like my gun skills, but it's still dangerous to use a gun by yourself." Mark sighed, remembering the time he accidentally shot a pigeon. Tenela pouted with disappointment. "At least HE knows basic safety. Unlike a certain, ahem ahem, someone here."

"You-" Tenela was about to start another fight before Mark held a hand in front of both of them. "If you two keep fighting, you'll attract more Alternates. Besides, we're at the gas station. Be quick with supplies and don't worry about me. I have my own. Now scram." Mark shooed the two teens, a small smile tugging at his lips as he watched the two kids run for their lives into the gas station store.

"Excuse me sir?" A boy with blonde hair and a purple baseball bat tapped Mark's shoulder. Mark assumed he was lost. "Mhm? Need directions somewhere?" Mark asked, still keeping an eye on the two teenagers in the store. "I'm looking for my friends. Uhh.." The boy was about to recall how they looked when Tenel and Tenela pounced on him. 

"SUP BOZO!" Tenela picked him up with a tentacle ripping straight from her stomach. Mark was slightly flabbergasted by the sight, but after seeing a demonic replica of your best friend die in front of you, this wasn't the weirdest he had seen the whole day.

"Ow- okay okay! Let me go!" The boy squirmed. "Hmm..no." Tenela smirked. "Tenela. Let Misheln go." Tenel gave Tenela a stern look. "Ugh. Fine." Tenela released Misheln, dropping him right onto the floor.

"You three know each other?" Mark cocked his head to the side. Misheln nodded. "They're like little siblings to me." Mishen pat Tenel's head. Mark sighed exasperatedly, mentally calculating something before pointing at the gas station. "3 minutes. You have 3 minutes to get supplies before we're on the move to the next destination, kid. Starting now. 59..58.."

Misheln quickly got to his feet and ran to the store. Tenel and Tenela stood at the side, watching with Mark. "Damn. That white boy can run." Tenela commented, Tenel nodding with agreement.

"Oh please. Wait till you see Adam Murray." Mark put a hand on his hip, remembering the time Adam was made to run 7 laps around the school field in 18 minutes, and he finished it in. 

"Wonder how he and Jonah are doing, not gonna lie."

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