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After a long drive, I finally made it to Pennsylvania. It was raining pretty good here. I pulled into the parking lot and ran into the office of the apartment building I was staying at. Today was my move in date, so this worked out really well for me. I handed them the rest of the deposit and they handed me the key. I get back in my car and drive around the complex for a while until I reach unit 16. I smiled and grabbed my suitcase. I brought it inside.

This new beginning was all I needed. I feel so much better already. I start my new job in a couple of days. I grabbed my phone and texted my cousin, letting them know I got here safe. I look at my savings account, and I have enough for a few pieces of furniture. I'm going to order a couch and a bedroom set. Those both alone will only cost me about 2 grand. And then I can run to Walmart and get a TV whenever.

I love an order for those items and go to my car to run to the store for some groceries. Maybe an umbrella if it's going to rain all the time. The drive to Walmart was chill. I was looking at produce when I bumped into a tall girl. She had long brown hair down to her waist with bangs, big brown eyes and the kindest smile I've ever seen. "I'm sorry." I said. She said, "It's ok. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I'm sorry." I smiled back at her. "I'm Vinny. I just arrived in town, today." I say, holding out my hand.

"I'm Scarlett. It's very nice to meet you, Vinny. What made you wanna come to Pennsylvania?" She asked. "I wanted to get as far away from my life in California as possible. It's a long story." I chuckle. "Oh my God! California?! I've always wanted to go. I heard it's lovely out there. Long story, you say? I have time." She said back, in a soft tone. "Would you like to grab coffee?" I asked her. She smiled and said, "As long as you tell me all about California." This girl was the kindest soul I've ever met. Maybe this was the best idea I've had ever. I smiled and said, "Of course. Coffee's on me."

We walked out of Walmart and we drove to the nearest coffee shop in my car, which was a Starbucks. We grab our coffee'a and sit at an empty table in the corner. "So, Scarlett, are you from around here?" She nods her head as she drinks her coffee. "Yup. Born and raised. My parents aren't together, though." She said. "Maybe that was for the best. Best being raised with two loving parents than in a broken home with both parents. Like me." I said back. I sip my hot coffee and sigh.

"You wanna talk about it?" She asked," I heard it's better talking to strangers than to people close to you. Just think of me as your free therapist." She continued. And so, I did. I told her everything. My abusive, alcoholic parents, my bully's, and my only cousin who was actually good to me. Once I was done, she looked like she wanted to cry for me. "I'm so sorry you went through that, Vinny. I seriously hope that it all gets better." I nodded my head. "I truly appreciate that. Thank you," I say, "now it's your turn. Tell me all about yourself, Scarlett." I finish. I place the coffee cup to my lips and take a big drink.

"I'm not super interesting. I was born and raised here. I just graduated high school, as I'm sure you did too. Pretty boring life. The only thing interesting about my life is that I was an accidental pregnancy. But both of my parents love me." She said. I nodded my head. Then she said, "Is there any way we can exchange phone numbers? I think we had a really good talk today, and I would like for it to not end here." I nodded my head, "Of course. I give her my phone number and she puts me in her contacts, and she calls me so I can do the same." We finish our coffee'a and I drive her back to her car in the Walmart parking lot.

I then drive back to my apartment and bring all of the groceries in. I mainly just bought some frozen meals to heat up until I can start affording to cook for myself. I'd still go to McDonald's every now and then. I threw one in the microwave and go to set up my TV in the living room. Then my phone chimes, so I go to look at it. It was Devin, so I text him back as all he said was 'That's wonderful. I'm glad.' I can't wait for them to come out here. My phone chimed again. I looked and this time it was Scarlett. I don't know about y'all, but she seems Ike an a bell sent from above for me and only me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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