|7| being hot is a bonus?

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Mr. Jeon's math class was in full swing, the room buzzing with the low hum of students solving equations and asking questions. He moved around the classroom, explaining the intricacies of algebra with way too much energy and passion he always brought to his lessons, in contrary to the students that were a minute close to passing out in sleep.

"Remember, when you're solving for x, you need to isolate the variable on one side of the equation," he said, writing a series of steps on the whiteboard.

As he turned to face the class, he caught snippets of whispered conversations among a group of students sitting near the back.

"He's really hot, don't you think?" one girl whispered to her friend.

"Totally," the friend replied. "I never thought math could be this interesting."

Jungkook felt a flush creep up his neck, unsure if he had heard correctly. He shook his head slightly, trying to refocus on the lesson. It wasn't the first time he'd heard students make comments about teachers, but hearing it directed at himself was a new and unsettling experience.

Clearing his throat, he continued with the lesson. "So, if we apply the distributive property here, we'll see that..."

The comments, however, continued to echo in his mind. He found himself glancing at his reflection in the window, feeling a strange mix of curiosity and discomfort. Did his students really see him that way? He had always considered himself to be a decent-looking guy, but he never thought of himself as someone who would catch others' attention in that manner.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the period, Jungkook watched the students pack up their things and leave the classroom. He lingered behind, his thoughts swirling with a newfound insecurity.

After the last student exited, he approached the window and stared at his reflection. He saw a man with tousled brown hair, sharp brown eyes, and a fit build from regular morning runs. He had always considered his appearance to be average, nothing extraordinary. But now, hearing those comments from his students made him question his self-assessment.

"Hot?" he muttered to himself, scrutinizing his reflection. "In what angle do I look hot?"

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. He knew he should be focusing on his next class and the stack of papers waiting to be graded, but he couldn't shake the feeling of confusion and self-consciousness that had taken hold of him.

Leaving the classroom, Jungkook wandered down the hallway, his mind preoccupied with the unexpected feedback. He knew that students often had crushes on their teachers, but he had never imagined himself to be the object of such attention.

As he walked, he passed by a group of students who fell silent as he approached, their eyes widening slightly. He gave them a polite nod and continued on his way, feeling their gazes follow him.

"Maybe they're just being silly," he thought, trying to brush off the comments. "Teenagers say all kinds of things."

Yet, a part of him couldn't help but wonder if there was some truth to their words. It was a strange and unfamiliar feeling to be viewed through a lens of attractiveness, and it left him feeling both flattered and unsettled.

Later that day, Jungkook found himself in the staff lounge, sipping a cup of coffee as he tried to push his insecurities aside. He pulled out his lesson plan for the next day, but his thoughts kept drifting back to the comments and the way they had made him feel.

He had always prided himself on being a good teacher, one who was approachable and enthusiastic about his subject. But now, he wondered if his appearance had played a role in how his students perceived him. Was it a distraction? Or did it somehow enhance their engagement with the material?

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