code white

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tw: mentions of serious aggression and violence

"Patient is a 52 year old male. We're waiting on a full psych report before we transfer him to the psych ward so until then we're keeping him in urgent care. The police finished their questioning so once we make a full diagnosis you'll have to answer to them as well" Jinah explained

"Police?" Wonbin asked beside Areum with his eyebrows raised in surprise and Jinah nodded, passing them a patient file

"He's being investigated for attempting to kill his five year old daughter. Some sort of suicide pact he's made up in this mind. Said the dark forces are out to get his entire family" Jinah explained

"Jesus...a five year old?" Areum said with tense eyebrows as she scanned the patient file along with Wonbin

"Hey. I want you both to treat him like you would any other patient. No bias. We're doctors, not judges. Are we clear?" Jinah asked seriously and the two nodded slowly, walking towards the room

"Do you think he's a part of some cult? Maybe he believes in black magic or something" Wonbin said and Areum shrugged, her mind only wondering how a father could be so cruel to a kid that young

"Mr. Sun, I'm Dr. Park and this is Dr. Jung. We're just here to a routine check on you and make sure you're feeling okay" Wonbin said with a clear voice as the two stepped into the room to see a man sitting upright on his bed with a frustrated expression, wrists bandaged up from clear self harm

"Why isn't he restrained?" Areum whispered to Wonbin with furrowed brows as she moved towards the side of the man's bed

"Sir, do you have any sort pain anywhere?" Wonbin asked asked he checked the machines around the room once more

"My head hurts. Right here" the man stated with a hoarse voice as he held his hand up to the right side of his head

"What sort of pain? Throbbing, piercing—"

" a migraine. They gave me something for it but it didn't do anything" he answered, staring straight into the wall as Wonbin hummed

"I see it here...I'll get the IV DHE and I'll send a note down to Neuro just in case" Wonbin said to Areum as he wrote something down onto the clipboard

"Just get a nurse" Areum suggested and Wonbin shrugged as he walked towards the door to let himself out

"Have you seen how busy the floor is?" He asked as if it was obvious, having spent most of his time in the urgent care facility anyway.

"Could you just lie back down for me sir?" Areum asked as she turned back to the man who shifted his gaze for the first time since she had met him

"Where's my daughter?" He asked with a plain expression and Areum flicked her eyes up to meet his as her lips parted

"I'm afraid I can't give out that inform—"

"She's my daughter and I'm her father. I have a right to know!" He said, raising his voice at her

"Sir I just need you to lie back down" Areum said as her body became alert

"Tell me where she is!" He shouted

"She's safe. So please just calm—"

"She's still alive?! No...I have to go find her!" He said with a panicked expression, attempting to push Areum away as he got up from his bed

"Sir, I need you to lie back down on the bed. You're not allowed to leave—"

"Tell me where she is! If I don't kill her, they—they'll come for me!" He exclaimed with wide eyes, holding her arms tightly and shaking her. Her breathing picked up at an erratic pace as she stared into his dark and twisted eyes

"Mr. Sun—"

"Where is she?!" He shouted again as her eyes shut closed in slight fear from being tormented by a man so much stronger than her as she was trapped alone in a room with him

"I-I don't know" she said quickly with a shaky breath, attempting to break free from his hold with no avail

"You're lying!" He screamed, growing aggravated by the second as he slammed her body against the bed, his  rough hands wrapped around her neck tightly, pressing against her vocal chords and restricting her oxygen. She thrashed her arms and legs in attempts to push him away yet he remained so much stronger, tightening his hands on her neck as she struggled to scream for help.

"Why did you lie to me? Do you want to die?!" He screamed, thrashing her head against the bed as her face grew red as her blood flow was restricted

"You're just like want to kill me too. You're trying to kill me" the man said deliriously as she let out choked and desperate cries as she watched him tear out his IV line. He smiled down at her deviously as he rushed to wrap the plastic tube around her neck tightly with one hand, muttering a string of words she could barely even comprehend at that point as her mind started to get foggy.

And while in her mind she was thrashing her arms and legs, screaming for help and doing everything she could to get away from his grip, her body slowed it's movements, almost growing lifeless. And while her brain was starting to get foggy, the only thing she could clearly understand was that this might be the end.

Her eyes felt heavy as her vision grew blurry, not even allowing her to see the situation properly as Wonbin had entered the room again, dropping the IV bag in his hand to the floor as he ran to push the man away from her as Areum fell onto the floor, hands pulling against the tube around her neck

"I need help in here! Code white!" He shouted as he forced the man back down against the bed with all hos strength, using the arm restraints to tie him down while the nurses rushed into the room.

"Hey, hey! Keep your eyes open. Stay with me!" Wonbin shouted, kneeling to the floor infront of her, using his own hands to unwrap the IV line that pressed against her skin

"I need a resuscitator!" Wonbin shouted as her eyes shut closed from the pressure in her lungs as she gasped for air. And everything else seemed to become one big blur as she felt a mask against her face, her brain finally giving up its fight as air was pushed into her lungs.

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