the real end

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Raiva had always been competitive, but losing to her sister Marcia in the annual challenge pushed her over the edge. Marcia had taken first place, basking in the admiration of her friends Ava, Mike, Ramona, Sarah, Laura, Savanna, Layna, Caroline, and Lynn. Raiva's jealousy festered, growing into an all-consuming rage.

One night, unable to sleep and consumed by her dark emotions, Raiva found herself drawn to an old book of spells and rituals that Marcia had always kept hidden. Driven by her jealousy, she performed a summoning ritual, calling forth a death god. The entity, sensing her turmoil, agreed to help her seek vengeance, but at a steep price. It possessed her, turning her into a vessel of pure rage and destruction.

Raiva, now controlled by the death god, began her hunt.

First, she targeted Ava. She cornered her alone in the library, the lights flickering ominously. Ava didn't stand a chance as Raiva, with unnatural strength, ended her life swiftly.

Mike was next. He was jogging in the park when Raiva caught up to him. His pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears as the possessed Raiva ended his life with cold precision.

Ramona, Sarah, and Laura were gathered at a café, laughing and chatting, unaware of the danger closing in. Raiva entered the café and locked the doors, ensuring there was no escape. The confrontation was brief and brutal, leaving the three friends lifeless.

Savanna, Layna, Caroline, and Lynn were at Layna’s house, preparing for a sleepover. They felt a chill as Raiva entered the room, her eyes glowing with an eerie light. The death god's power radiated from her, freezing them in fear. Raiva moved through them with lethal efficiency. Layna was the first to fall, followed by Caroline and Lynn, their lives extinguished in an instant.

Savanna, the last of Marcia's friends, managed to escape the initial onslaught. She fled through the dark streets, Raiva hot on her trail. Savanna's heart pounded as she darted into an abandoned warehouse, hoping to find a place to hide.

Meanwhile, Marcia had discovered the aftermath of her friends' fates. She realized Raiva had summoned a death god and was now possessed. Determined to save her sister, Marcia tracked them to the warehouse.

Inside, Savanna hid behind a stack of crates, watching as Raiva and Marcia faced each other. "Raiva, please, fight it!" Marcia pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

The death god within Raiva laughed, a cold, mirthless sound. "She’s mine now," it taunted, but Marcia refused to give up. She approached Raiva, her voice filled with determination and love. "Raiva, you're stronger than this. You're my sister, my best friend. I know you can hear me."

For a moment, Raiva's eyes flickered with recognition. The death god's hold weakened slightly, but it was not enough. The entity pushed Marcia away with a wave of dark energy, and in a final act of defiance, Raiva ended her sister's life.

As Marcia fell, Savanna saw her opportunity. She emerged from her hiding place, grabbing a piece of metal as a weapon. "Raiva, you have to fight it," she shouted, her voice shaking but resolute.

The death god, sensing its power slipping, tried to reassert control, but Raiva's will was strong. She turned the weapon on herself, driving the death god out in a desperate act of self-sacrifice. The entity, unable to maintain its hold, dissipated into the night.

Raiva collapsed, the darkness lifting. Savanna rushed to her side, helping her up. Both were bruised and battered, but they had survived. The warehouse fell silent, the night’s horrors finally over.

Raiva and Savanna alerted the authorities, and the aftermath of that night became a story whispered in fear. The bond between the two survivors grew stronger, forged in the fires of their shared nightmare. They knew the memory of that night would haunt them forever, but they also knew they had faced the darkness and survived.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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