Dear Fam💕

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Hey lovelies!

So, I wanted to chat a bit about why my chapters are a bit on the shorter side. I know some of you might be craving more, but hear me out! 💖

Imagine you're unwrapping a beautiful box of chocolates. You take one piece at a time, savoring each bite, letting the flavor linger. That's how I want my story to feel for you! Each chapter is like a sweet, delectable treat, giving you just enough to enjoy and leaving you excited for the next one.

If I were to make my chapters longer, the story might come to an end too quickly. And I want us to enjoy this journey together for as long as possible! Plus, shorter chapters mean I can pour my heart into every word, making sure each moment is magical and special.

And let's be honest, life gets busy! Sometimes, it's nice to have a quick, lovely read that fits perfectly into your day. Whether you're on a cozy coffee break, snuggled in bed, or just need a little escape, my shorter chapters are here to bring you a burst of joy whenever you need it.

So, while the chapters may be brief, they're filled with all the love, excitement, and sparkle I can muster. I hope you continue to enjoy each one as much as I enjoy writing them for you! 🌸✨

Also, do follow me on Instagram for direct updates and chats! I'll be busy and won't be checking Wattpad as much, so I hope you do. You can find me at my Wattpad  Profile 😍
-let's keep the magic going over there! 💖


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