|10| did jungkook damage my brain

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Taehyung sat on the edge of his bed, a half-packed suitcase open before him. He carefully folded his clothes, trying to focus on the task at hand, but no matter how much he tried to concentrate, his mind kept drifting back to Jungkook. The upcoming trip to Greece was supposed to be an exciting adventure, yet all he could think about was how much he would miss Jungkook's presence.

He had no idea how much that man had influenced his overall mood and life in general until now. And right now, he feels pathetic over it. Pushing away the feeling of dejection, he finishes packing and gets ready to leave the house and bid goodbye for the next two full months. 

After reaching the airport and finishing up the baggage and boarding procedures, he paced around the souvenir shops. One of them had fairy lights dawning over it. At a closer look, he realized it was a home decor store. But what caught his eye was not the store itself, but a specific item on the countless array of things on the front.

A bunny pushie.

Taehyung couldn't take his eyes off it. That probably costs more than he thinks, but the urge to buy it started taking over him quickly, because of a certain someone reminded by it not present here. Before he could contemplate, he already started walking into the store.

After a while, he settled down in one of the seats infront of his gate, his eyes roaming over the distance, drifting out from the world. His arms enclosed the package in his lap, giving him a sense of closure he couldn't understand. 

As he boarded the plane, Taehyung took his seat and leaned back, closing his eyes. Images of Jungkook's smiling face flashed through his mind. He chuckled softly to himself, wondering how he'd gotten so attached in such a short time. 

The flight seemed to pass in a blur of thoughts about Jungkook. When the plane began its descent into Athens, Taehyung glanced out the window and awed at the ancient structures dotting the landscape below. The majestic ruins, the history seeping from every stone—it was everything he'd dreamed of seeing. 

Yet, even as he marveled, his thoughts drifted to how much more exciting it would be to share this with a certain someone. His smile dropped, the sense of loneliness crashing into him. 

Arriving at his hotel, Taehyung checked into his room, a spacious suite with a view of the Acropolis. He set his suitcases down and sighed. He had a full itinerary for the next two months, packed with meetings with professors and writers, but he couldn't shake the feeling. He unwrapped the plushie he bought and settled it on the bed, patting its head softly. 

Shaking the thoughts away from his head, he started preparing for the upcoming week for his research and arranged the documents and materials on his laptop. As time passed, he started forgetting about Jungkook and focused on the different sites he would be visiting from tomorrow, a new excitement bubbling inside him for the adventures he would take part in. 

For the next week, Taehyung roamed the historic sites of Athens. He explored the Parthenon, the Agora, and the Temple of Olympian Zeus. He met with various scholars, engaging in deep conversations about recent archaeological findings and their impact on modern society. He presented various opinions to different people and professions on his findings, gaining more respect and name.  

But, no matter how fascinating the discussions, his thoughts would sidetrack at times and kept drifting back to Jungkook. He started to feel a bit annoyed at himself and blamed his hormones for focusing on stuff he shouldn't be, and rather wanted it to be wandering in the past ruins in front of him. 

One cloudy afternoon, Taehyung found himself at the National Archaeological Museum, staring blankly at a display of an ancient painting. The weather had started to cool after the blazing heat in the morning. Through the meek windows, he noticed the sun rays dwindling and grey clouds covering it, making the displays look washed out. He sighed, the gloomy weather influencing his mood, the feeling of longing starting to settle in his chest.

"Fancy meeting you here," came a voice from behind.

Taehyung turned abruptly, his heart skipping a beat. There, standing with a casual grin and a mischievous twinkle in his eye, was Jungkook.


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