Hope is Here-Disclaimer

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This part might be a bit long, so feel free to skip if you would like, though I do not recommend doing so as some sections have key information you need to look out for (triggers and warnings).

This part is 552 words long
•The image above, found on Pinterest, is not mine-all credits go to the uploader of the picture
•I have added the text on Procreate myself, this will probably be the only modification on any pictures further included in this book
•Further images heading chapters are not mine, all credits go to the uploaders on Pinterest
•This is my first book
Work in progress
•Expect repetition, misspellings, unfinished parts, weak words, etc
•This book is not finished, though there will be regular updates and edits

Hi! Thank you so much for coming to take a look at my book. This is a work in progress, also my first piece that is actually going to be published. I do quite enjoy writing, though I'm not quite used to posting it on public platforms, so forgive me if it's a bit wordy and all. I was kind of lazy with this, again, it was only for fun, so don't be surprised if you are disappointed with the outcome of this.

•Gore/detailed wound descriptions
•Some foul language such as sh## and f##k will not be filtered in the book
•Violence and brutal descriptions
⚠️ If any of these trigger you, I do not recommend reading on, especially for younger readers. ⚠️

Common phrases and words in cat language
As this book is purely inspired by Erin Hunter's series of Warrior Cats books, it shares phrases and words similar in meaning.
It is unrequired to have read any of the series before reading this book, though recommended as some terms mentioned in 'cat language' may not be explained below.
Here they are along with meanings.
•Tribe: Clan - A group of cats living together in their territory in the forest, all living under the rule of a leader and deputy, obeying the Warrior Code of StarClan
•SkyOfStars: StarClan - The 'religion' for cats - worthy go to StarClan after passing, evil do not
FoxCave: Mouthermouth - A cave which inside holds the Moonstone, a sacred stone for cats which believe in StarClan
Ritual of Sky and Seas: Unmentioned term in the series - A ritual that is held for any cat that was killed in battle-The leader of both battle groups take out the dead cat's canines to store in a sacred place, no cat is to ever speak of the battle ever again-Simple burial ceremony for cats that have died in a different way
Sun River: Unmentioned term in the series - River Nile
Rook: Unmentioned term in the series - Often a term to describe a cat with loathe for all but themselves
Tick: Unmentioned term in the series - Like the bug that bites, the term is used to describe a cat with great or full intention to pester and irritate others
"You fly like a dead bird": Unmentioned phrase in the series - A phrase often used to criticise all the wrongings in a cat or cat's actions
"Simply a vole hiding beneath a tree": Unmentioned phrase in the series - A phrase used to describe the lack of confidence or bravery in a cat

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