Dark Lybrynth [Disney Castle]

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࿐ཽ༵༆༒Book of light༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆

The trio runs into the castle and looks around to find the throne room. "THRONE ROOM IS UPSTAIRS!" Aries says while running with Keyblade in hand destroying heartless that get in front of him. "RIGHT!" Wendy runs ahead upstairs and reaches the door but the hallway stretches and the door gets farther and farther.

"HUH!? The door is Shifting!" Wendy steps back and the entire castle shifts into an even bigger castle separating them. "WENDY!" Aries tries to jump towards Wendy but gets divided by a large wall. "ARIES! KAZUYA!" Wendy looks around as the Castle shifts more. "OH NO ALL THE WALLS ARE-!" Before Wendy could say anything she felt this dark Aurs that made her freeze and a man in a black coat walked behind her and then disappeared.

Wendy turned around and looked around. "What was that?...a ghost?" Wendy thought to herself as she tried to shake off the feeling and move on but it didn't work. "I can't get distracted...I have to save Mickey!" Wendy rushes off in a random direction "It's no use. I need

> Meanwhile: Aries

Aries runs through the endless halls of the castle "WENDY!?" He shouts repeatedly as he runs and for a split second he sees a man in a large black and white coat, with a large white X on the back of it pop in front of him and he falls to the ground face-first to the ground and quickly gets up. "what...was that?" Aries looks around and the man in the black coat appears behind him again. "WHO ARE YOU!? WHERE'S WENDY!?" Aries holds his Keyblade and points it at the mysterious man.

"Well look what we have here! Another Keyblade wielder? I've seen one of those before" The man lifts his hood and reveals that it's a slightly older Xigbar with a white eye patch with an X on it. Aries gasps grips his Keyblade and gets into a battle position similar to Soras and Xigbar laughs. "Where have I seen this before..?" Xigbar spawns his crossbows and starts to fire at Aries.

Aries jumps around and hits the bullets back at Xigbar but he dodges out of the way and appears behind Aries kicking him in the back and sending him flying Aries catches himself and aims his Keyblade at Xigbar "FIRAGA!" Aries shoots a large fireball at Xigbar making a huge cloud of smoke and ash. Aries's eyes widened as he saw Xigbar walk out of the smoke with a sinister grin on his face. "Heh," Aries is frozen in fear. "To be honest...I expected more from Master Eraqus's grandson" Xigbar holds his crossbow towards Aries and lets off a shot.

Kazuya appears in a flash and hits the bullet back at Xigbar catches it and shatters it with his hand. "This day just keeps getting better! What was your name again?... Whatever doesn't matter" Xigbar spins his crossbows and points at them. "we have to hurry...the castle walls shift every 10 minutes..." Kazuya looks back at Aries speaking in a soft yet intimidating voice. "Go find them...Mickey and Wendy" Kazuya looks towards Xigbar and Aries runs off.

"Heh...lemme guess, this is revenge for this right?" Xigbar holds his hand out and spawns a small orb of light and Kazuya grits his teeth and makes an annoyed face. Xigbar puts the light back into his coat and holds his guns. "Well c'mon and get it!" Xigbar and Kazuya charge toward each other initiating their battle.

> Meanwhile: Wendy

*Wendy is running through the halls looking around and she finally finds the door to Mickey's throne room and opens it finding Mickey floating unconsciously inside a large heart-shaped crystal ball wrapped in chains. "woah..." Wendy stepped into the room and slowly approached it. "Mickey..." Wendy has a frightened gaze and she reaches her hand to try to touch it but a man wearing a black coat holding a large slender paint brush teleports behind her.

"Didn't your parents teach you not to touch things that aren't yours?..." The man in the black coat adjusts his glasses and they glow slightly. "Huh...YOU'RE THE GUY IN THE HALLWAY! DID YOU DO THIS?" Wendy grits her teeth making an angry expression and balls her fist. "Hmph...I'm here to stop you because you were able to break our dark seals without a Keyblade... you're a threat to the mission." The man in the black coat points his paintbrush towards Wendy. Wendy steps back guarding Mickey.

"WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING TO DO WITH HI-!!" Before Wendy could finish the mysterious man teleported behind her and kicked her away from Mickey but she caught herself. "TCH, YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" Wendy charged toward the mysterious man. "Too slow..." The man paints a black line in front of him creating a large black wall that pushes her back but she catches it and holds it. "What...!?" The man looks in shock as he watches Wendy break the wall with nothing but pure strength. "THAT ALL YOU GOT!?" Wendy has a determined grin on her face.

"Tch, TAKE THIS!" The mysterious man changes from dark paint to orange and starts painting lines of large fire everywhere and Wendy dodges and jumps over them. "She's fast...even without a Keyblade!" The man thought to himself as he spun his long paintbrush around and slashed the air with orange paint making a large wave of fire toward her "BURN!" Before the fire could engulf Wendy a glowing light shone from her heart blocking her from the large explosion. Out of the smoke, Wendy comes out with a flying spear kick to the stomach making his glasses fly off and making him fall to his knees holding his stomach.

"AGGH!" The man holds his stomach and tries to reach for his glasses but Wendy stomps them and looks down at him with a glare in her eyes the man looks up in fear and teleports back far away. "Y-you'll pay for this!" The man disappears through a dark portal leaving Wendy alone and she wipes her mouth before approaching Mickey. "Mickey...I'll save you." Wendy steps back holds her hand toward the orb and concentrates. The orb begins to make a glowing outline of a Keyhole, The chains begin the break along with the crystal ball shattering like glass.

"MICKEY!" Wendy catches Mickey before he falls on the floor. "hm...?" Mickey slowly wakes up and Wendy sets him down. "Wendy...happened to the Castle?" Mickey looks around sadly and confused. "A guy in a black coat put all the guardians of light asleep and he's flooding every world with darkness!" Wendy looks at Mickey with a serious face. "Do you remember anything?" Wendy tilts her head looking down at Mickey. "The organization..." Mickey mumbles. "The organization is back!" Wendy's eyes widened. "Organization..?" Wendy has a face full of confusion. "We don't have enough time!" Mickey spawns his Golden Keyblade. "Woah..." Wendy gasps at the sight of the Golden Blade. "Let's go!" Mickey and Wendy run out of the throne room.

"Are Kazuya and Aries here?" Mickey looks at her and Wendy tries to match his speed. "Y-Yeah!" Wendy catches up. "Do you know where they are?" Mickey looks up at Wendy. "No! We got separated when the castle transformed! The walls shifted and everything!" Wendy looks down at Mickey and they come to a stop. "SEARCHZA!" Mickey holds his Keyblade in the air and the tip of the blade shines Wendy's heart has a muffled glow as long as two others. "Aries! Kazuya!" Wendy looks at the beacons. "Looks like Aires is coming this way!" Wendy looks at the ground and sees a glowing purple light. "Kazuya is under us! Let's split up and meet up at the exit!" Wendy and Mickey run off in separate directions.

Meanwhile > Kazuya

Kazuya dashed toward Xigbar and threw punches at him but all Xigbar did was dodge and block his Punches. "You've gotten weaker since the last time we fought!" Xigbar taunts as Kazuya repeatedly starts throwing attack after attack toward Xigbar. "EBONY FLAME!" Kazuya spawns Oblivion but it has a Dark Aura around it and swings the blade around and it makes a trail of dark fire and black electricity. "TAKE THIS!" Kazuya sends a large slash toward Xigbar causing a huge explosion that echoes through the halls sending Xigbar back.

"Tch, you're pretty strong. Make sure you keep that energy for later.." Xigbar disappears into a dark portal. "Tch,...son of a " Behind Kazuya Wendy comes crashing through the floor and lands on her feet. "KAZUYA!" Wendy has a big bright smile as she looks at Kazuya. "Heh, you do know how to make an entrance..." Kazuya has a faint smile as he fully turns around to see Wendy standing up and brushing herself off. "Mickey and Aries are going to meet us at the entrance! Let's go!" Kazuya and Wendy run off.

Dark World >

Out of the dark portal spawns the man with the long paintbrush. "Tch, ...that little brat." He weakly walks and holds his stomach in pain. "Looks like you took a beating" a curvy woman wearing the same black coat fans herself with a black hand fan as she sits on a rock. "shut up...!" The man groans as he holds his stomach. "Aren't you supposed to be draining worlds of their light?" He sits on a nearby rock. "Not today! The boss said I could have the day off" She fans herself more and chuckles. "what's the boss planning to do anyway...!?" The man gets agitated and he balls his fist.

"Something about...The Dark Eclipse, and gaining control of the darkness within worlds or whatever" The woman looks at the moon. "Ever since Xigbar resurrected Xehanort or whatever, he's been acting like such a pain." She complains before disappearing into black smoke leaving the man alone.

࿐ཽ༵༆༒Book of light༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆

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