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It was the year 322AG, Avatar Ryou of the Fire Nation and the rest of the world leaders were stationed at the WLO (World Leader's Organization) headquarters (A tall, rigid, futuristic structure at the heart of Republic City) to discuss world borders between the City and the Earth Federation. There had been animosity between the two nations for years since Republic City had secretly funded the Sand Rebels (a militia group that had taken over the Ji-Xing Province and planted a de facto leader from the City to 'control' the situation.) in 299AG and took over the province illegally. Tons of civil wars and rebellions had taken place since then and peace had needed to be re-established.

"As you can see, The Ji-Xing Province is ours. We fought for it, we died for it. So, we shall keep it!" Said a tall, aged man with gray, kept hair in a bun, a goatee up to his shoulders and long, gray traditional robes that followed his feet where he walked. He used a pointer showing the land of which was under hellfire on a holographic map of the former Earth Kingdom.

"President Akito, you wrongfully, illegally and WILLINGLY stole from the Earth Federation and we demand our land back!" Said another tall, aged man wearing a green and yellow royal-like robes with metal plates as thin armor. 

"The people of the Ji-Xing Province are more content under the care of the City than your rundown government!" Akito slammed his fist on the table and declared, his voice filled with determination. It seemed like steam was coming out of his ears, his jaw clenched tight.

Tension in the room soon arose and chitter-chatter across the table erupted as angry chants of other leaders defended which side they found most suitable to their beliefs. "Please! PLEASE LISTEN!" Avatar Ryou shouted. She ascended to the center of the meeting room with her head held high. Her traditional Fire Nation garments swayed their way with her. "President Dewei, President Akito and other astound members who are with us today, hear my plea. Let the people decide what is best for them. If they choose to stay with the United Republic, DO NOT disrupt the peace of the people and 'take it back'. If they choose to stay with the Earth Federation, then Republic City shall willingly give you the province back." She said calmly. Ryou locked eyes with both Presidents as they seemed to have eased themselves.

That pervious tension quickly subsided as they heard her words and took them to consideration. "But what if they decide to go neutral or what if it's a fifty-fifty?" An older man of Fire Royalty asked, rubbing his chin. "Then, My Fire Lord, they become a separate state and WE ALL leave them alone." She replied comfortingly. The tiny conversations between them all had quite down rapidly. But a look of dissatisfaction was evident on President Akito's face. 

"" He sharply whispered. Of course no one heard or wanted to hear because the matter had already been dealt with. President Dewei got up from his seat and stood near Avatar Ryou with a flimsy smile. "It seems the Avatar has given us a way of dealing with the situation that is most fair. All in favour of holding a general election in Ji-Xing Province to decide it's future?" President Dewei asked. Unison had formed between all nations as they proclaimed 'I' except for President Akito, who was most hesitant. "I don't accept this! There are supposed to be five of us, not six! It's Water tribes, Air Nomads, Fire Nation, Earth Federation AND The United Republic! Another nation would throw us off balance!" He frantically yelled. "I get your concerns but it won't throw us off balance. In fact, it would restore balance. There would be peace and at the end of the day that is what we all want." Avatar Ryou re-instated. 

All other leaders waited and watched for President Akito to say anything. Fortunately, with a reluctant sigh, a weak 'I' came from him too. "So it has been settled. We shall host an election in said province and restore the peace we've definitely needed." Said President Dewei with a hearty chuckle. Praise ensued from all as they had finally came to an agreement. 

It had been later on that things would've taken a dramatic shift in the wrong direction. Once the meeting was over, all leaders were to confirm their agreement to the press outside the headquarters. It was of the dark hours during that fateful night with heavy rainfall in pursuit so the announcement had to be made quick. The WLO Headquarters had been thoroughly guarded by the collaborated forces of the White Lotus and Dai Li secret police but even they couldn't have stopped what was destined to happen. An anonymous assassin wielding a devastating "Combustion Rifle" silently struck from the top of a neighboring building, taking down the Avatar and President Dewei. Isamu, the Fire Lord, sustained a hit but survived with only a wound to his hip. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case for others. Panic ensued as pools of blood stained the floors and terrified crowds fled in all directions, turning the area into a chaotic mess. Emergency services raced to the scene, sirens blaring and flashing red and blue. Dai Li and White Lotus members frantically searched the vicinity while Republic police assisted in securing the area and escorting the victims' bodies.

From the darkest nights onward, fear had firmly taken hold of the city and the world. For a span of a hundred days, the entire globe entered a period of profound mourning, with citizens and leaders alike in deep grief. Even to this day, the memory of that ruinous day casts a long, mournful shadow, the echoes of which are still vividly etched in the collective consciousness of the population.

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