
17 2 0

April 12th, 2023

Sieun had just gotten back from school, carrying a bag as he walked through the door. Room 216. The sixteenth room on the second floor. Somewhat meaningless, right? Not for Yeon Sieun. His entire universe existed in that one room. He closed the door and set the bag in his hand down on a small desk. He placed his school bag on the floor next to the desk and dragged the chair under it across the floor, in front of the bed. He grabbed the bag he had set on the desk only a few seconds prior and took out two take-out boxes, setting one on the bedside table and opening it before taking the other and sitting down in the chair next to the bed. He opened it and took a bite, flavorless, as always, he didn't care what it tasted like, it's not like he was going to finish it anyways. He took one more bite, but he already felt as if he wanted to throw it up. He closed the box and set it down on the desk before sitting back down in front of the bed. "I'll finish it later" he thought, he knew he wouldn't, he never did. He looked back at the bed, the bed his friend had been lying in for the past few months. Sieun sighed and took his hand. He had never been much of a talker, but he still hadn't gotten used to the quiet with Suho. Other times the silence was peaceful and warm when they were together, though there rarely was any, Suho always had something to say. Sieun smiled softly at the thought of their old conversations but, now there was a beeping behind it from the heart monitor Suho was connected to, an occasional nurse coming in to move him slightly every so often. He could get used to that but, not hearing Suho's voice every day, no "delivery" at his door, no one to bug him while studying, no groaning every time he played video games. He had found it all annoying before, but he was so desperate to have it back.

"I can't believe myself" Sieun mumbled and moved his hand away from Suho's, he wasn't the "touchy" type, but he knew Suho was. As he moved his hand away there was a sudden movement in Suho's pointer finger. "S-Suho...?" He uttered, maybe he was imagining things, it wouldn't be the first time. Then, his ring finger lifted slightly. "i-im going to call a nurse." He practically ran out of the room to grab a nurse. He came back in quickly with a nurse behind him, he dragged the seat he had been sitting in back to its correct place and stood. He stood and watched. He watched as his best friend who hadn't moved or opened his eyes in months moved each of the fingers on his left hand, slowly, but surely. He couldn't tell if it was real, was anything real? Was he asleep at the desk again? He pinched himself, once, twice, three times, yet he still wasn't sure. The nurse checked Suho's vitals and spoke with Sieun in the hall.

"He's awake but, take it slow with him, he's been in comatose for almost a year now so don't try to conversate with him. Please keep an eye on him, I'm going to go inform a doctor." Sieun nodded and walked back into the room. Suho already had his eyes opened, tears started to form in Sieun's eyes, he walked past the trashcan by Suho's bed with all the take-out boxes from the days Suho hadn't woken up. "You scared the shit out of me you know?" Sieun breathed heavily as he sat down on the couch on other side of Suho. He wiped the tears forming in his eyes and looked up at the ceiling. "You didn't really think those assholes would kill me, right? I'm offended." Suho spoke as if everything was normal, like nothing had changed. "You just woke up and you're already back to acting like this?" Suho just chuckled and looked at Sieun. Sieun scoffed and looked away again, ignoring the tears rolling down his cheeks.

"What? I haven't been able to say anything for a whole century and you expect me to be quiet?" "The doctor said I shouldn't talk with you." Sieun responded "fine, be like that then." Suho turned away and pouted. Sieun rolled his tearful eyes. "You were nicer when I was in a coma" Suho mumbled. Sieun just hummed in response "seriously?" Suho turned back to look at Sieun again. "Should I put myself back into a coma so you're nice to me again?" He was being sarcastic, obviously but, Sieun's stomach sank at the thought of it. "don't say stuff like that. it's not funny." Sieun said it immediately. He hated even the simple idea of it. "I'll shut up if you hold my hand again" Suho chuckled. "Forget about that. it was an accident" Sieun said while looking down at the ground. "Come onnn" Suho whined. "Your hands are so soft, let me touch them again, pretty pleaseee?" Suho looked at Sieun. He looked like a kicked puppy. Sieun's heart raced, quick, it kept speeding up, slamming against his ribs. He was going to crumble, and he knew it.

"I hate you" Sieun responded, he couldn't even look at Suho. He felt as if he was having a heart attack. At least he was at a hospital, right? He could feel three things at this moment, his heart pounding against his chest, Suho's eyes on him and his hand reaching forward to grab Suho's. He wished he was invisible. He wished he was watching Suho from a one-way window. He didn't lie. He really did hate Suho. He hated the way he was the only one who could make him feel like this, the way he was the only thing that could distract him but, still, he loved Suho more than anything. He cared about him more than himself. If Suho stopped breathing Sieun would breathe all the oxygen in the world into Suho's lungs just to keep him alive. Suho was all he cared about. He felt his fingertips graze Suho's. He felt their fingers interlocking. He wasn't in control of his own body. He hated it.

"Love you too." Suho smiled and tightened the grip on Sieun's hand.


hiiiii!!! This is the start of my new little series called "Patience" about Ahn Suho and Yeon Sieun from Weak Hero Class 1. I know its short but i just wanted to get back into writing bc some writer things happened to me (mom died, step-dad married like 8 times, step-dad kicked me out, not allowed to see my siblings anymore, got kicked out again ect.) im also currently in the process of moving and graduating so sry if updates are slow (or not at all) i have adhd and depression which causes me to ALWAYS be distracted and my anxiety causes me to feel nervous ab uploading and i also move on from my fixations QUICK. I finished whc1 last night, started writing this at around midnight now its 4:07 and I'm already getting bored of it.


completed- 05/25/24, 6:52 pm

1212 words (including notes)

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