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April 12th, 2023

"Sorry to interrupt..." The nurse walked back into the room. Sieun quickly let go of Suho's hand. "you're not interrupting anything." He said as he quickly wiped his tears again. Suho looked over at Sieun, Sieun looked at the nurse and the nurse, questionably, looked between them. She decides not to push it. "So, the vitals came back, and everything seems fine, physical therapy will begin tomorrow. That's all." as she was walking out of the door she turned back for a second. "Oh, and the doctor might check on you so don't get to...comfortable." "it's not like that, I swear. we were just-" Sieun tries to explain but she's already out the door. He sighs and looks down at his shoes.

Suho chuckles "Are we really that sweet with each other?" "Don't get used to it." Sieun looked at Suho. His heart was racing again. damnit. Suho pouted but he didn't want to make Sieun uncomfortable. "where's the remote?" Suho asked, trying to change the topic. Sieun looked around. It was on a small coffee table next to the bed. He picked it up and turned the tv on.

Suho yawned "I haven't been able to watch tv in a while" Sieun hummed. "Nine months and four days." he mumbled softly. "Hm?" Suho turned his head away from the tv to Sieun. "It's been nine months and four days. 278 days." "you've been counting...?" Suho sounded shocked. Obviously Sieun had been counting. "So I could get my money back. It doesn't mean anything." Sieun tried to find an excuse. "What money? I haven't even been awake." Suho really was confused, how could Sieun possibly be spending his money on him while he was sleeping. "Don't tell me you've been paying my hospital bills."  Sieun's blood boiled at just the thought of it. The same person paying for this was the one that caused it.

"No. It's...covered." Sieun tried to move on from the thought. "Then how have you still managed to make me owe you?" Suho was still clueless. Sieun nodded towards the take-out box. "Food once a day and flowers once a week." Suho glances over at the bedside with food and the desk with a vase full of flowers. He didn't say anything for a second, he just giggled. "you're so sweet Sieun-ah" Sieun rolled his eyes. "278 boxes of food and 39 bouquets." "Oh, come on, you had to have missed a week or two."  Sieun just shook his head softly. "How could I ever repay you?" Suho spoke sarcastically holding his hand to his forehead dramatically. "I'll decide that later" Sieun didn't actually want anything. Suho was more enough for him; he just couldn't let his character break.

"Meanie" Suho mumbled and moved his arm that was rested on his forehead back to the top of the blanket laid out on the mattress. "Yeah, I know, I'm the worst." Sieun muttered and leaned back on to the couch. Suho frowned and stared at Sieun. "What?" Sieun glanced over at Suho, his eyes were sparkling. cute. "You look pretty." Sieun immediately felt like his whole body was on fire. keep it cool. you can do this. Sieun tried to bring back his flat tone and looked away. "you're delusional, Suho." good enough. " you're so red" Suho chuckled. shit. "No, I'm not."

"It's cute." Suho smiled fondly. was he trying to kill him?  No. it's not." "Are you admitting that you're blushing then?" Suho giggled. fuck... "no.." "I think you are!" Suho exclaimed. "Is that a first?" Sieun questioned. "First what?" "Your first time thinking." Sieuns voice was as monotone as ever, he hoped Suho knew he was being sarcastic. He still felt like he was burning in a pit of lava even though his body was freezing. "You wound me, Sieun-ah" Suho held where his heart would be dramatically. "whatever." Sieun muttered flatly but his eyes kept glancing back at Suho.

Just then the doctor walked in. "already speaking I see." He pauses and writes something down on a paper attached to the clip board he's holding. "Too much" Sieun mumbles. "Hey!" Suho pouts. "We've contacted you grandma, she said she'll be here soon." the doctor begins. oh yeah... Sieun had completely forgot about telling Suho's grandma even though he had just seen her the other day when he had come to the hospital. Suho smiles and nods. "Have you met my grandma Sieunie?" Sieun hummed and nodded softly.

Suho frowns. Sieun glances at him and sees the look on his face. "What?" "I feel bad, I couldn't introduce you." seeing Suho like that was a bit odd for Sieun. Actually... it was weird to see anyone like that for Sieun. He hadn't grown up around a lot of emotion but at some point, he got used to joy, but sorrow is more vulnerable. Most people were very protective over it, maybe letting it out around family or close friends but not in public, at least not that Sieun had noticed, and he hadn't ever got close enough to anyone for them to show it around him. Even with how close he was to Suho it was strange. he was so used to him being happy and energetic all the time, he didn't expect it.

"She already knew who I was when I walked in here on the first day" Suho scratches his head and looks away. "Yeah... I talk about you sometimes I guess..." He was clearly trying to hide his face from Sieun. "Do you know your eyes and the back of your neck turn red when you blush?" Sieun mumbled. "Huh?" "you're red." "I'm embarrassed." Sieun hums. The doctor clears his throat. "We'll need to do a brain scan before you begin physical therapy but, seeing you now, it's unlikely that you could be able to act like this if you had brain damage, especially not severe. I assume this is how he normally acts?" The doctor looks towards Sieun and he nods. "This is normal."

The doctor smiles. "I was going to check your speaking and moving abilities, but you seem fine, are you in any pain, either when you move or stay still." He looks back towards to Suho. "Only a pain in my heart from Sieun." He holds his hand to his heart dramatically and makes puppy-dog eyes towards Sieun. "don't mess around." Sieun speaks low yet firm. The doctor chuckles and writes something else on his paper. "you guys are cute, how long have you been together?"

"We're not dating" Sieun says quickly. Suho pouts. "We would be a cute couple..." Suho mumbles. "Stop." Suho grumbled but obeyed. "My apologies, I should be going now." The doctor smirked and left the room quietly.

"We would-" Suho begins "don't even start." Sieun interrupts him before he can even get his point across.


i hate this but i wanted to get it out td bc i wanna be able to upload weekly on weekends so if i dont release it td ill have to wait another week and then ill procrastinate so i feel like it just better to upload it today then probably never upload it. Anyways... ITS SUMMER FOR ME FINALLY!!! next year i might do homeschool so ill have more free time to do more enjoyable stuff now


1212 words...again

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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