Adriata I

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Vel knew sleep wouldn't find her that night, so when she returned to Rhys's townhouse, she chose to sit at the dining table, nursing a cup of green tea. She let her mind sift through her memories, searching for anything that might help them in the upcoming war.

A few hours later, just before the sun crested the horizon, Lucien joined her. His haggard face mirrored her own sleepless night. They sat quietly for a few long minutes and it bothered Vel enough that she stood up to pour herself another cup and find somewhere else to be. Preferably somewhere the silence didn't hang so heavily, so achingly.

"I'd like some tea as well, if you don't mind," Lucien's voice cut through the quiet, prompting Vel to pause in her movements. She loosened a long breath, trying to release the bitterness and building anger. Yet her skin prickled with annoyance.

"Will you be drinking it this time?" She couldn't help the resentment seeping through her words. Vel turned and leaned against the counter, surveying the wan lines of his face.

"I'm sorry, Vel. I haven't been a good friend to you. You've always been there for me when I needed it, but I didn't show you the same kindness. I didn't trust you. I thought I knew better. I wanted more from you, wanted you to fit into a mold that wasn't fair to you. For all of that, I'm truly sorry. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me someday."

Lucien stood up, about to head out of the room. In the blink of an eye, she was in front of him, her arms thrown around him in an embrace tight enough to squeeze the air out of him. Her face was buried in his shirt and she hoped dearly that he couldn't feel the dampness of her tears. A choked sob escaped from him, and he whispered her name, his hand gently smoothing her hair.

The house started stirring awake around them, soft sounds and muffled voices coming from upstairs. They couldn't stand there long enough to erase all the pain they'd caused to each other. Vel pulled back finally and looked up into his eyes – one of burning russet and one of golden metal. Both of them lined with red.

"I'm sorry too Lucien, for not being more open with you. I have enough regrets in my life as it is. I don't want you to go to the Continent without having said all of this."

Lucien gave her a half smile that she'd missed dearly. "Anything I should know before I go?"

"I didn't mean it as a goodbye. I just don't want you to go with so many things left unsaid. You'll be fine. Just ... hurry up. We need Vassa in this war, and any other allies you can win us." Vel gave his hand a reassuring squeeze as she heard Rhys descending the stairs. Calyx was wrong. Fae or not she was not alone.

Lucien quickly disappeared to get ready. They had a rushed breakfast together. Feyre and the others said their goodbyes. Even Elain stood at the top of the stairs for a tentative sort of farewell. Then Rhys was gone, and Lucien with him. The house was mostly empty once again, save for the other two Archeron sisters.

"The Ouroboros?" Feyre asked, a glimmer of hope in her blue-grey eyes.

Vel could only shake her head defeated. "I couldn't pay the price that was asked."

Feyre didn't let the disappointment show in her eyes. "But you looked in the mirror and you're still here. That must count for something."

"The mirror is cursed so ordinary Fae may not use it, but... I think it works differently if you're Made. And I think the Bone Carver doesn't just want the mirror. He wants you to get it."

Their conversation was cut short by a familiar dark wind that swirled through the foyer. Rhys appeared in the middle of the hall carpet. No indication of any sort of trouble, no sign of hurt or harm.

"Did everything go well?" Feyre asked as he slid her arms around his waist.

Rhys brushed a kiss to the top of her head. "As well as can be expected. He's now on the Continent, heading eastward."

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