C'est moi

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The car drove past the Welcome sign which read in bold letters.

Welcome to Arvano

The city of Arvano was widely known to develop the brightest minds and have the highest paying job. It was a new experience for this family.

"Dad are we there yet ?", Win , the younger one whined.

He didn't like car drives , he was more of a stay at home study type of boy.

"Take a longer route ", James chimmed in.

Oldest son and full of chaos. He bent the rules and twisted them to come into accordance with him. He was extroverted and playful.

"We are there ",Gulf, their father announced as Win mentally sighed in relief and James didn't care either way.

Their father drove into the driveway and parked the car.

It was a big house , much bigger than the apartment they lived in before. The house had two stories , 6 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms. The living space was open and they even had their very own open field.

"This would be perfect for a dog !", Win said.

"Now remember , I put a condition on the pet thing ", Gulf spoke as he unlocked the front door.

"We know dad , we both have to excel in our studies ", Win spoke first.

"And take care of the dog ourselves ", James continued as Gulf smiled.

They got inside. They loved it , the view from the window of the living room was breathtaking. Skyscrapers everywhere.

"Okay , let's start unpacking , we don't want you guys to not find your valuables tomorrow", Gulf said.

The duo run to the car trunk to take out their suitcases. They both chose a room of their choice as they started arranging their clothes and other necessities in place. Gulf decides to start a bit of cleaning. As he finished with the lower story the moving truck came by.

"Boys !", Gulf yelled as they came down to help.

Now the house was full of boxes. Win was the first to pick up his toy box and run up to his room to arrange them. James searched for his books.

"Want me to help ? Those are gonna be heavy ", Gulf said.

"I am stronger than you dad !", James said as he picked up the box with ease.

James was a freshman in G.M University. The most prestine University in Arvano. His first day was tomorrow and he was super excited. He was studying medical. 5 years of studies was ahead of him and he couldn't wait.

His room was a shade of lavender with no posters or whatsoever on the wall. He prefered them blank. As James walked into his room , Win went running past him.

"Don't run ", James warned as Win slid down the staircase.

He never listens. James thought as he walked inside his room.

Win was still in school. He was a bright kid and always top of his class. His new day was tomorrow as well. He transferred to Lory High school, with the idea of persuing law in the future. He wanted to become a judge.

He goes to the next box of toys he had and runs back up with them.

"Careful Win ", Gulf says as Win starts to slow down a bit.

After 4 hours of hard labour the family was seated in the dinning room with meals Gulf had prepared. As they sat they all prayed.

"Okay , before we eat , I want to say that this is a new begining. Let's accept life and move on but never forget our beautiful past", Gulf said.

The kids smiled before they all started to eat.

Lia. Gulf's wife who had passed away a few months ago due to heart cancer. She had bought the house they were in right now cause she always dreamt of living in Arvano where she had finished her masters. She claimed it was a beautiful land and it was compulsory to visit atleast once.

Now she was gone but to maintain her wish her entire family was here , living the dream for her , with her in their hearts.

"Tomorrow is important for both of you , also James , your car comes in tomorrow", Gulf said.

"Yes , thank you so much dad ", James exclaimed.

"But you would have to drop your brother to school", Gulf continued.

"No problem at all ", James said.


"I swear Win , if you don't fucking come out of this bathroom dressed I am going to strangle you !", James yelled as he waited for his brother to be ready.

Win always took his time in things. James was lazy to do much stuff so he was done with things quickly.

Win walked out after 15 minutes, fully dressed. James didn't care anymore at this point as well. He was scrolling through his phone while Win ate his food.

"Both of you seem relaxed for people who are late on their first day of college and school", Gulf said as he finished washing his plate.

"I already calculated it , I won't be late. Can't say the same about Phi James", Win said calmly.

"I don't really care ", James remarked.

Gulf just nodded.

"Okay then , I will meet you guys in the evening. Probably 9 , it would be a great favour if James could prepare dinner for all of us and lunch for himself and his brother", Gulf said.

"Will be done ", James said.

"And Win , you handle the laundry and other things your brother might need help with. Let's make this work guys okay. I love you , bye ", Gulf said as he stepped out.

He took his car and drove off.

This was a new job for him. He was sent to Arvano to be the secretary of the CEO of Gosh Productions. It was a company which produced edibles and it was ranging in the top 5 companies in the country.

Gulf made it a self note to reach on time. He parked his car , showed his ID and walked to the room he was called in.

There was a woman standing outside the door.

"Monsieur Gulf ?", she asked in French.

"Oui , C'est moi ", Gulf gave her a response back in French which made the girl smile.

"The boss is waiting for you , sorry he made me do this , he is a Paris freak so he always wants to know if his secretary knows French", She said.

"Well it's good I know it then", Gulf said.

This was much thanks to Win who always studied French beside Gulf to the point Gulf knows it well.

"I am Mai , assistant manager. Pleased to have you ", Mai said.

"Pleased to be here ", Gulf responded before  he knocked on the door.

"Come in ", Came a voice.

"il parle francais ", Mai said and walked away.

Gulf walked inside and closed the door , facing his new boss.

"I am hoping she didn't say much about the French thing ", The boss asked.

"She said you liked French ", Gulf told the partial truth.

"Well , I am Mew , CEO of Gosh. Here we expect hardwork and loyalty if you fail to offer any one of them then you are to leave as soon as possible. This is the schedule list from my previous secretary , I hope you would prove yourself to be an asset to this place ", Mew said.

"Of course sir ", Gulf responded as he took the tablet.

( Author's note : Okay I am back again. This story was requested to me and I am so sorry I took so much time but here I am keeping my promise. Hope you guys like the story and feel free to give any critism. Love you guys ❤️)

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