Dad's back !

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"You seem pretty tired , don't worry tomorrow is Saturday you can take a break", Gulf said as he drove them back to the office from a meeting at another company.

"How much time till the next schedule ?", Mew asked.

"Well , One of the meetings got cancelled cause the client wasn't available today , so you have about an hour ", Gulf said.

"Can we stop and grab something to eat ?", Mew asked.

"Sure , what would you like ?", Gulf asked.

"I am not really sure what kind of places are here , just take me to a place you like to visit", Mew said.

Gulf just nodded.

Mew couldn't believe how much he was lying. He was very well rehearsed with places that had anything remotely to do with food. But he couldn't help it , he needed to know what places Gulf liked to visit.

Gulf drove to a nearby restaurent. Mew was shocked , he didn't know the place.

"Where is this ?", Mew asked.

"It's a curry place , do you not like it ? We can go somewhere else ", Gulf said.

"No , no let's go I like curry ", Mew said.

He was still in disbelief he hadn't heard of this place. They entered the place , it was pretty much full. One of the servers saw the duo as she walked to them with a smile.

"It's been a while since you were here , you have a guest as well", she said.

"Table for two ", Gulf said kindly.

She got them a table. Mew and Gulf placed their order as Mew looked around. He checked for any unsanitary pratice or anything that could be the reason for this place to not be in his memory.

The food was served quickly , warm and fresh. One bite and he was going through a memory lane of his past. He couldn't believe he missed such a good place.

Mew momentarily looked up to see Gulf who was yet to start his food. He followed Gulf's line of path as he saw him staring at the server.

Does he like her ? Mew thought as his happiness began to dissapear.

"Sir , please enjoy your meal , I'll be back in some time ", Gulf said as he got up.

He went up to the server and said few things. She seemed really happy with whatever he said. Now suddenly, Gulf was taking orders and helping her around the shop.

Gulf kept a secret eye on Mew as well , to know for sure when he would be done. As soon as Mew finished Gulf walked to their table.

"I'll pack my food and we can go ", Gulf said.

He took his plate which was untouched , he goes into the kitchen area and comes out with a box.

Mew and Gulf exit the place.

"I'll drive ", Mew said , getting moody.

"Sure ", Gulf said as he sat in the passenger seat.

They drive off as Gulf kept the food in his hand. They stopped off at a red light. Gulf quickly got off making Mew panic. Gulf ran to the begger at the road side and gave him the box and ran back just in time for the light to turn green.

"Weren't you going to eat that ?", Mew asked.

"Not really , I wasnt too hungry", Gulf said.

"Still, you need lunch ",  Mew said concerned.

"Don't worry about it , I'll be fine , I have packed lunch from their everyday. I grab it on my way to work", Gulf said.

"Right , you and that girl seemed nice together , the server ", Mew bitterly said.

"She isn't nice at all , she is so arogant , she is only nice for customers ", Gulf complained.

"Then why do you keep going there ", Mew said confused.

"Well , I do have to go there. She works alone with my mom so I need to help out. I really don't get it , she had a masters and everything , still she left it all to go to the shop and serve ", Gulf said.

"Wait mom ? That's your mother's shop ", Mew said.

"Yeah , She loves cooking , never left it so dad bought her a shop on their 50th wedding anniversary. Dad died , but she never stopped", Gulf said.

"Sounds nice. No wonder you visit there so much , that girl would also be nice ", Mew said.

"She is annoying but what can I do , she is a good daughter ", Gulf said.

"Daughter ?", Mew said.

"She is my older sister ", Gulf said.

Older sister ! Why do I keep having miscommunications about him. Mew thought.

"Well , your family seems wonderful", Mew said.

"Thank you ", Gulf said as they stopped at the office.

Then it was back to work till Mew was done with everything on his agenda.

"You are done for today sir , enjoy your weekend ", Gulf said.

"I will, umm do you wanna join me tomorrow ? I thought of going to a football game ", Mew said.

"Sorry , I am occupied on this weekend , let's try next weekend ", Gulf said.

"Sure ", Mew said as Gulf left from work.

He drove back home, excited to spend the weekend with the kids. He promised to spend as much time with them as possible. As he parked in the driveway he could hear James and Win laughing inside the house.

Gulf enters as Win runs to him.

"Dad's back !", Win yells as James chuckles from the kitchen.

"You should take a bath , we'll set the food",  James said as Gulf nodded.

Win helped him with his bag and kept it in his room.

Gulf took a shower while thanking God for giving him such wonderful kids who kept strong with him.

James quickly set the table.

"I'll call dad ", Win said as he ran up to call his father.

His father was just about finished. While walking back he sneaks into James room. James never let Win in his room.

The laptop was open. Suddenly a text pops up from a number which wasn't saved. Win opens it.


James as I found out your name was, you better be prepared to apologise to me tomorrow.

(Win was angered by the text )

You should be the one that is sorry.

Really giving me attitude after all that. You were the one that was in the architecture canteen when you weren't a freshman there. I know all your games. So what if you are in medical , doesn't mean you own the world. I'll make your life hell , so you better be prepared to rub your nose in my feet.

I'll spit on them. If you have any common sense left, oh wait you never had that.

You are testing me now.

Asshole , it would be admirable of you to stop being a useless piece of trash and start doing something for your own benefit. Why are you making your parents regret having sex ?

You've done it now. Just see what happens to you.

Go ahead , dogs like you that only bark and don't bite don't scare me.

Win heard some sounds , his father was coming out. He quickly deleted the entrie chat and blocked the number before coming out of the room , pretending as if he was waiting for his father.

The duo walk down and join James for dinner.

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