Chapter 1

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All I could hear was my heart pumping as I ran down Bondi promenade, towards Bondi Beach. It felt like my heart was trying to escape my chest.

I knew I shouldn't be here, but I didn't have anywhere else to go, I was so excited, I've never been to a beach before.

What if my dad doesn't want me?

I felt the sand in between my toes when I finally reached bondi beach.  I looked around and luckily it didn't look too busy, because it wasn't the hottest day.

I walked down the beach towards the water, it looks so pretty. I decided it would be a good idea to sit down in the water, I don't even know how to swim. I was also still wearing my happy, but I don't have a spare one.

"Excuse me darling" I jumped at hearing the voice so close to me, I turned to see a man crouched down in front of me wearing a blue top, with something I couldn't see on it.

I knew I was in trouble, I know I'm not supposed to be here, so I did the only thing I could think of.

I ran.

I turned around and ran as fast as I could down the beach, I never realized how hard it was to run on sand, it kept making me sink.

I couldn't tell if he was chasing me, but I didn't want to check. I didn't realize I stopped running until I felt a hand on my shoulder, I jumped back and turned around to see the same man.

I didn't want to wait around, so I turned around to run again, but I didn't get very far before I felt a arm wrap it's self around my waist, stopping me from going anywhere.

I squirmed around trying to get away. "Hey, hey, I'm not going to hurt you, calm down" the man said turning me around to face him.

"Ok, that it, can you tell me your name?" I froze, I didn't know whether or not I should tell him. "Hadley" I said after a while.

"Ok Hadley, are you lost" I shook my head no. "Are you alone?"  I looked around to see if I could go anywhere, but saw a car thingy, with another man sat in watching us.

I nodded my head. The man looked shocked "ok, how about you come with me and my friend here, and do you see that tower over there" the man said pointing at a big building.

"Mhm" I nodded my head. "Well take you up there and see if we can sort you out ok" it was getting a bit cold, so I said ye. "Ok come on then" the man stood back up, picking me up with him.

I froze a little, but didn't say anything. He walked towards the weird car and put me in next to the other man, before sitting down next to me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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