the meet

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You and bakugo have been friends for as long as you can remember. Since you were in nursery for fucks sake who wouldn't still be friends? You and bakuo had met when he was getting bullied back in nursery. You stepped up and protected him. The bullies didn't back off until they saw your quirk. It terrified them. So they ran off. You helped bakugo up and wiped his teared introducing yourself. "Hi! I'm y/n... y/n y/l/n. I'm 3... how old are you?" Bakugo was sceptical at first. Then answered with "5... I'm katuski bakugo..." You two got to know each other and became inseparable. That was 8 years ago...

your mom had just died, and you hadn't told anyone at school. You're normally all happy and very sociable. But now you're closed off and never seem happy. "Just tell me for fucks sake!" Bakugo said. Clearly enraged you wasn't telling him. When you shook your head he gave up and stormed off. Your mind wandered. 'Maybe I should tell him...'you sat there, arguing with yourself whether or not to tell him. After about half an hour you settled with telling him so you set off to find him and was greeted with the worst possible reaction you could think of. There, standing in front of some bullies, completely un aware of your presence, was bakugo, shouting at the bullies saying "Y/N ISNT EVEN MY FRIEND!! I DONT LIKE HER! IN FACT I HATE HER!!!!" his words echoed in your head. he hates me?... you thought. without thinking, you walk off clearly upset. He only just realised you but didn't chase you... from that day on, you and bakugo were enemies. You both tried out for UA, and both git excepted.

Four years has pasted since that day, and bakugo is just as sparky as ever. You get up and get dressed, ready for the day. You had moved on from your mom's death. You had your brother. That's all you'd ever need. That's what you told yourself. As you walked to school, your mind wandered a little to the day bakugo had broken your heart. Part of you had never moved on from that day. You snapped back to reality when you heard a familiar spice call your name "y/n!" You turned and saw bakugo walking towards you. "Whatdya want dickhead?" You said, making it clear he wasn't welcomed near you. He quickly reliped with a sucking his teeth noise and saying, "*Not* very friendly are we? Relax dumbass, just came to say you look like crap" before walking off. Bakugo had made it a thing to insult you every morning. You just sighed and continue walking. You and todoroki had gotten close over the years and you were chatting in third period, laughing and joking until you saw a jealous looking bakugo glaring daggers at todoroki as he stormed over 'uh oh' you thought. 'This isn't gonna turn out well...'

[A/N] so this is my first book published. Hope you like it! 😃☺️ also feel free to ask for any ideas you have. I'd love to have some requests🫶

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