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17 year old Shelby looked down at the framed picture of her best friend Theo and her when they were little.

"Lets make a pact." Theo said.

Shelby nodded. "Okay! But twait what's a pact?" Little 5 year old Shelby asked.

Theo being 6, knew quite a bit more than she did. "Its like a promise." He said.

Shelby nodded and gave Theo her hand as he reached for it.

They locked pinkies and Theo looked at her. "This is a friendship pact. We will stay friends today, tomorrow, and until we die." He said.

Shelby nodded. "Friends forever."

She sighed as she finished getting ready for school and walked downstairs.

"Morning mom!" She said as she grabbed an apple out of the bowl on the middle of the counter.

"Morning Shelly." She greeted back. "Wish Theo a happy birthday for me." Shelby nodded and grabbed her backpack and said her goodbyes as she walked out the door.

She passed the tree that she and Theo use to play hide and seek with when they were little.

They spent countless hours in the branches counting cars or playing I Spy.

She met Theo on the sidewalk and they started the journey to school.

"My parents were fighting over me all night again." Theo said.

Shelby sighed and nudged his side. "That sucks." She said.

Theo exhaled as they watched his breath fog up. "They wont stop. I would think they'd get tired after awhile." He explained.

Shelby nodded. "Soon Theo."

He shrugged as they continued the journey to school.

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