Chapter 16 (Magnus): Too Much Pain

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA

My dreams were disjointed and restless, born of pain and confusion and frustration.

Magnolia's pained, shocked face when she discovered me with Lamia spun around and around in front of me until that blonde asshole's face appeared.

"I've got her now," he said before throwing his head back and laughing until his face morphed into Lamia's and she was grabbing the money from the waitresses and screaming, Give me more! at them. Then Noli's face reappeared and she had tears running down her face.

"Why Magnus? Why? I loved you! I loved you!"

I tried to tell her I loved her, too, but she couldn't hear me.

Or wouldn't hear me.

And then a sharp blast of arctic air snapped me awake and my eyes opened to see those three fairies in front of me.

"Looks like you've seen better days," Purple said in my head.

Strangely enough, there was no giggling.

I didn't say anything, not feeling up to a stab at the moment since my entire body felt like it had been flattened by a steam roller.

"You've had a week," Yellow said. "We've come for your decision."

"I'm still in," I said.


Fuck. Either that was even more painful than the usual stab or I was just in really bad shape. I was guessing the latter. 

"There is a formal way this must be done," Orange said. "So there can be no confusion."

How confusing could I'm still in be?

"You'd be surprised," Yellow said.

I'd forgotten they could read minds.

"You seem to forget quite a bit," Purple sneered. "On your feet for this formal Declaration."

I slowly got to my feet, unable to completely straighten due to the breath-stealing pain in my ribs.

"Magnus Wakefield, do you wish to take back your claim of being willing to do anything to win Magnolia Hannah back?" Yellow continued.

"I do not."

Stab. Burn. |

Come the fuck on. The stab I'd been expecting, but the burn on the other side of my chest took me by surprise, feeling like fire being burned into my pec.

"Magnus Wakefield, do you agree to partake in the Three Trials as a condition of winning Magnolia Hannah back?

"I agree to take part in the Three Trials," I said.

Stab. Burn. |\

I never thought anything could be worse than the stabs, but the burns were ten times worse.

"If you wish to stop, it's still not too late," Orange said slyly. "You have not completed the formal Declaration so you're not bound over to the fae realm yet."

"Keep going," I said, gritting my teeth to fight the waves of pain crashing over me.

"Magnus Wakefield, do you acknowledge that the trials are not only extremely dangerous but could cost you your life? Do you willingly offer your life for a chance to win back Magnolia Hannah?"

"I acknowledge it, and I do willingly offer my life for a chance to win Magnolia Hannah back."

Stab. Burn. |\/

WORK IN PROGRESS: Three Witches #1: Magnus and MagnoliaWhere stories live. Discover now