Chapter 2

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This chapter will be a bit short, and a bit rushed since I'm heading to another state for the week since I don't have school anymore! SUMMER TIME! world building a world that already exists is a bit harder than expected. And I'm sorry to KaoticAnder for misgendering you in the last chapter, if you are reading this, I added some attitude to ur character as an apology.


Once again Ethereal was stuck pacing a line into his carpet in his cabin. His armor suit long discarded on his bed, leaving him in his undershirt and shorts to try and cool off.

"Why?" Ethereal asked, staring to the mirror as if to question his reflection after a while. No answer.

Was it real or was it just in his head? His mind raced with possibilities, trying to think what it could be that Scar had he didn't already know about. What cards did the overgrown cat have in his hands? Ethereal had been given bad deals before and came out on top. So why now does he worry? Maybe he could recruit one of the hyenas to spy on Scar?

After all, without Ethereal and his guard, the small tribe would have been wiped up. He had walls built to defend them and shared supplies with them. They took in his team and showed them kindness and in return, Ethereal gave them knowledge and helped them at their lowest. Ethereal knew the hyenas were an honest people, having interacted more than enough to know they repay kindness. Unlike the giraffes or zebra kin, who have shown clear intent to maim or kill.

No. They were under Scar as his close staff and would rat him out, kindness repaid or not. They were as loyal as they were honest.

The Elephants? Despite being on opposite ends of diets, Hyenas and Elephants are close. He never once got a report about grievances that included the other. When he first started on an expedition to the Elephant graveyard, he found the elephants making a border to not keep the hyenas out of the pride land, but to protect them. They seemed to get along.

No one would question why an elephant kin was walking around in pride rock. Not even the hyenas themselves. The two mingled from time to time but never really stuck around. Having an elephant kin around pride rock for too long would have the hyenas suspicious. They were too Loyal, Alert, and honest.

He didn't have a lot of options. The giraffes and birds were too busy at each other's throats. The monkey population wasn't close enough, making it blatantly obvious.

Ethereal knew of the press called the morning report started by a lone rhino, Rose Ganymede. He was the soul reporter for a while before letting other animals join in his campaign. He wasn't too fond of the idea of letting a reporter be a spy. Afterall, the rhino kin could make a report of his plans, alerting Scar of his snooping. A reporter's job is to understand the facts behind some event and communicate those facts to the world at large. As a character aspect of their own personality, a reporter is a witness who is collecting data and attempting to maintain a sense of objectivity when considering something that is going on in life. Rose Ganymede wasn't a viable candidate, even if he wasn't a true reporter. At least he had Gladiator, the right-hand bird to Scar, keeping him in check.

He had to choose someone close to the king. The Hyena Consuls, Piriia, KaoticAnder, and Iaxivers. The three people in charge of the hyena kin that lived at pride rock. The ones delegating the orders when Scar didn't have orders to give.

KaoticAnder wasn't necessarily off the list due to Scar and him being on bad terms, after Scar attempted to burn down their Idol. The priest seemed to be the type to hold a grudge. Which he could use as motivation. Getting him to leave the Azalea tree alone for more than 5 minutes was the problem. KaoticAnder hovered around the tree day and night, only leaving when called away by Scar or the other Consuls. But would make his way straight back to the tree right after.

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