Chapter 6

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tried to make this a double update but I'm only about halfway through Chapter 7. So here you go to sate you


• Grayson •

It's been over a week since the ceremony and I haven't talked to Azrael once. At this point I'm not even sure if I'm avoiding him or if it's the other way around. Countless times I've bumped into him at school, but I rush away before he can say anything. Not even an apology.

Yeah, it's me avoiding him.

Alan has been losing his shit about that.

"Ask him out!" he shouts. "It's literally not hard."

"And if he says no?"

He stares, his muddy green eyes incredulous. "You did not just say that," he deadpans. "He's your mate, Gayson."

"Fine," I grumble, ignoring the name. "I'm just looking for excuses."

"Obviously." He plops down on the bench next to me. "He's the man you're going to spend the rest of your life with. You should be courting him right now instead of complaining."

I don't answer.

Snow gently falls over us, dancing in the breeze. My friend sighs and tucks himself to my side for warmth. He, for some reason, always wore misfit clothes. It was either too big or too small—like he couldn't find anything that would fit him in stores. Even now he wears a wool coat that falls to his knees and reaches past his hands. And instead of wearing warm pants he wears plain, thin jeans.

No wonder he's pressing so tightly against me.

"Midget," I mumble in accusation.

He scowls and looks at me. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"You're so cold because you're a midget. You don't have any body heat."

"Dude, five ten is average."

"For a human."

"You little—"

"Average height for a male wolf is about six two, Alan. You are four inches below average." I lean forward. "Midget."

He pouts. "Maybe you're just gigantic."

"I'm two inches above average height."

"Exactly. Troll."

I genuinely consider calling him an imp. "Fuck you."

He beams, his dimple flashing. The wind picks up, whistling as it passes us. The small wolf shivers and presses closer, wrapping himself in his too-big coat. "It's so cold."

"Because you—"

"I swear to Goddess if you say it's because I'm a midget."

I bite my lip to stifle a smile. "Fine. Want to go inside?"

"Goddess yes."

I stand and let him stay close to me as we walk to find somewhere to relax. We walk for nearly ten minutes before we find a small café that offers us some cover. The lady behind the counter says hello and asks if she can get us anything. Alan and I order hot chocolate and make our way deeper into the place, finding the warmest corner in a small library tucked into the back.

I don't realize someone is in the room until Alan clears his throat aggressively and stares at me. Only then do I glance behind me to see Azrael sifting through the books. Before I can even process a single thought, Alan gets up and shouts Golly, I sure have to use the restroom! in a weird ass accent before walking away.

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