11. Back Porch People

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Roberta couldn't believe how pale and vulnerable Jenny looked in her hospital bed. Jo was still sitting next to the bed, talking to Jenny when Roberta and Inspector Shelton arrived. Jo stopped talking as soon as they saw the two visitors at the door.

"Hey, you two," Jo said, waving Shelton and Roberta toward Jenny's bed. "You missed it. Jenny was actually sitting in a chair a few minutes ago!"

"That's it for me today," Jenny said, smiling weakly. "I still hurt from head to toe. How are you two?"

Roberta walked over to the side of the bed across from Jo and kissed Jenny's forehead. "I hope we're not wearing you out," Roberta said.

"Oh, not at all!" Jenny exclaimed. "You're back porch people!"

"'Back porch people?'" Jo repeated, tilting their head. "Where did that come from?"

Jenny thought a moment, her eyebrows knitted together. "I have no idea, but it sounds nice!" Roberta and Jo laughed and patted Jenny's hands.

 Shelton stood at the foot of the bed, not sure what to say. Visits were so much simpler, he thought, when Jenny was sleeping all the time. Twice a day, he would visit and just sit for an hour and watch her blanket rise and fall with every breath. He couldn't explain why he felt compelled to sit by her bedside or why the rest of his day seemed to make more sense after each visit.

Jenny's cheerful voice shook him back to the present. "Hey, Shelton," Jenny said. "I'm talking to you."

"I'm sorry, Jenny," Shelton said. "How are you?"

"I was just telling Roberta that I may be discharged this weekend!"

"Wow, so soon!" Shelton exclaimed. Immediately his thoughts turned toward keeping Jenny safe after her discharge. He forced a smile to hide his concern.

"We'll," Roberta said as she held out the folded afghan she had crocheted for a Jenny. "I've brought a very special gift for you, Jenny."

"What beautiful colors!" Jenny said, her eyes brighter than they had been all day. "It looks so soft and cozy! Open it up so we can see!"

Roberta shook her head and stepped closer. "I want you to open it, Jenny, carefully and slowly. Jo and Shelton, come see."

Jenny did as she was told and gently unfolded the afghan once and then twice before gasping. Jo and Shelton stepped forward to get a closer look.

"Oh Roberta," Jenny whispered. "This means the world to me. I've been so worried. Terrified, really." She motioned for Jo and Shelton to come closer and handed the partially folded afghan to Jo, who smiled and nodded at Roberta. Shelton stepped closer, wondering what on earth all the fuss was about.

"It's safe," Jo said to Shelton as he gazed for the first time at the copy of the U.S. Constitution. All fears about Precinct retaliation fell away. At that moment, it was just Jenny, Jo, Roberta and Shelton hungrily reading words that had been absent for too long:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

"What happened to us?" Shelton sighed. Jo patted his arm.

"Ah yes, the good old days that we never knew," Jo sighed.

"This is only the beginning," Roberta said. Her smile was almost mischievous. "There is a hidden gem in this town, buried just before all the changes came. Trust me, we will uncover it when the time is right."

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