8. "I do "

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Author's POV

Jungkook stood at purple themed stage waiting for the other groom to arrive. Time to time his eyes moved between the gate and Ryi.

Suddenly the gate opened revealing a silhouette of a person.

He was wearing a white designer suit which was reveling his chest a little bit but it was covered by a white piece of transparent clothing that was covering his chest and neck.

He looked ethereal

Thought Jungkook to himself but he soon shrugged it off.

He thought it was safe to say that white was totally his colour. He was walking down the aisle with with his aunt which was a strange thing because usually people walk down aisle with their fathers.

He reached the stage where Jungkook offered his hands to help him climb up the stairs of the stage.

Taehyung looked quite shocked at this action of his like he didn't expected him to offer his hand like this. Jungkook himself was shocked at his action. It came like a reflex. Nevertheless Tae took his hand and Jungkook helped him to climb the stairs. They both came face to face with the priest in between them.

"Do you, Jeon Jungkook take Kim Taehyung as your lawfully wedded husband? " the priest asked.

Jungkook glanced at the place where his girlfriend was and saw her leaving the place without sparing him a glance. He heaved a sigh and said "I do. "

The priest nodded and then continued. "Do you Kim Taehyung, take Jeon Jungkook as your lawfully wedded husband ?"

"I do " he said in his deep voice.

"With the power invested in me by the God and man, I now announce you both lawfully wedded husband. You both may kiss now " the priest announced.

Jungkook glanced at him hesitantly and saw him looking everywhere but at Jungkook's direction.

Jungkook placed his hands on Tae's cheek and brought his face closer to his. He then covered his lips with his thumb and then kissed it. For the others who were watching them, they thought Jungkook kissed Tae's lips but in reality he kissed his own thumb instead.

Time skip

After the wedding and reception ended it was now time for the newly married couple to leave for the Jeon mansion.

"Take care of yourself, Taebear. I won't be there to take care of you there " Tae's aunt said to him. Tae wiped his aunt's tears and hugged him once again. He pulled away from the hug and turned towards Jimin who hugged him without wasting a moment. Tae was also couldn't able to control his tears. They both sobbed hardly in each others embrace. They were not only each other's cousins but best friends, each others support system during tough times. "Don't replace me as your best friend, after I leave " Tae jokingly said and pulled away from the hug.

"N-never " Jimin said in a broken voice.

Tae then turned to face his younger sister. Yunjin has been crying all day. Tae patted her head in a comforting manner. "If you will leave then who will be the target of my and Jimin's prank " Yunjin said. Tae chuckled sadly.

"Tae, the car is ready. Let's go " Jennie spoke from the entrance of the room.

Her eyes were also swollen just like others, tears stained her cheeks and her voice was also hoarse after all the crying.

"Ji Eun didn't came? " Tae asked hopefully.

He thought that after Jungkook's act of confronting her, she obviously would have gotten an idea of what's happening and would call someone but the latter neither did called nor picked any calls.

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