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Minhos p.o.v

"Fine, you win", Says Changbin. Those words...They hurt me. Changbin might have forgotten. All the outside noise cut from my thoughts. I felt light headed. Those words are remarking. My dad's last words before getting arrested for abuse...My mother last words before..dieing in an alleyway. My vision went blurry. I didn't notice Jisung wake up. Then, all I saw was pitch black. I finally woke up after what felt like 2 seconds. "Minho?", I heard Jisung. I look up, Chan tapping my knee, Changbin holding my shoulder, Hyunjin staring, telling me everything is fine, and Jisung, one hand on my chest, one on my leg. Chan pulled over to make sure I was okay. I opened my eyes. "What the fuck just happened..?", I ask. "You passed out for like, 15 minutes." , Says Hyunjin. "Yeah! I was worried about you.." Jisung obviously worried states. We finally get home, I was talking to Jisung and accidently went to his room. "Oh. Oops.", I say. "It's okay, we can continue our conversation.", Jisung states. "I am the only one who is tired?", Jisung asks. "Yeah, you are the only one tired at 5:00PM baby girl~", I saying joking seduct. "Eww Minho!!!", Jisung yells, playfully smacking me. "I know you like it babygirl~", I say again. "Minho get off my bedddddd!!", Jisung playfully. I stand up and wait for him to let me sit back down. "Mmm.", Jisung moans (not in that way i caught u), gesturing for me to sit. He is sitting criss-cross, the blanket cover his legs. I sit on the edge of his bed. "Wanna watch a movie?", I ask. "CHICKEN LITTLE!!!!!!!", Han yells. I jump back due to his scream. I turn on Chicken Little and lay my head in his lap. He is obviously flustered. "Awwww.... is my baby girl flustered?~", I say. "S-Stoppp Mi-Minho!!", Jisung whines. I stand up and throw the blanket off of him, then pick him up, set him down, and wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his upper body. "You can watch, I am tired, Goodnight babygirl.", I kiss him on the cheek. I close my eyes and lay down. Next thing I know Chan is waking me up to grab Jisung and go into shelter. I grab the blanket and bridal carry him into our shelter. Jisung wakes up after I set him down. "Where are we...?", Jisung asks. "Tornado Shelter.", Chan tells him. "What?", Jisung seems panicked. "Jisungie, it's gonna be okay." , I calmly reassure him. He wraps his arms around my neck and burys his head in my neck. "I am scared..What about Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin!", Jisung whispers. "Changbin, are you contacting Felix?", I ask him. "I am trying. He won't answer. I am super fucking worried!", Changbin yells. I cover Han with blanket and hug him back.

Felix p.o.v

I was driving when seungmin got a tornado warning. "I am gonna pullover. There is a ditch right there.", I tell them. "What the hell is a fucking ditch gonna do?!", Seungmin yells. "Grab your phone and come on.", I tell them. We get in the ditch and a couple minutes pass by. I see my car and debris. I start to cry and call Changbin. He was calling me so many times. "Changbin...", I say crying. I hug Jeongin who was crying in Seungmins arms. "Lixie! Where are you? Are you okay? What's wrong?", Changbin asks over the phone. "I-I thin-think hi-highway thir-thirty-five...", I say, crying. We all sit down in the dirt, Changbin hangs up. We hug Jeongin, since he is terrified. Soon we see a black car pull up. Chan is driving. We get in and I sit next to Changbin and Seungmin. Changbin pulls me into and hug. Jisung pulls Jeongin into a hug.

Jisungs p.o.v

I hug Jeongin. I feel Minho pinch my sweatpants. "Are you okay?", I ask Jeongin. He doesn't answer. He just cries in my arms. We get home and sit in the living room. I am cuddling with Jeongin, trying to calm him down. Minhos body language shows he is jealous of me. No body else can tell except me. Once Jeongin calms down, I go back to Minho. I wrap my arms around him but he doesn't wrap his arms around me. He just sits there, arms crossed. I grab his wrist and bring him where nobody can hear or see. "Minho...? What's wrong...?", I ask him. "Really, Jisung?", Minho asks annoyed. "You knew what you did. You knew how I was gonna react. Why the fuck did you do that?", He asks me annoyed. I am scared. It scares me to see him angry at me. "C-Can I-I not hug my-my b-be-best friend..?", I ask scared. He grabs my wrist and drags me to his room. "Mi-Minh-", I get cut off by him pinning me to the wall. I tilt my head down, he pulls up my head and starts kissing my neck. His soft hands were running through my hair. He starts to unbutton my shirt, then he starts biting and kissing all over my body. "M-Minho...", I say. "Stop...", I say, again. He ignores. "Minho! Please stop!", I yell. He finally stops. "Do it again, that will happen.", He says. He buttons my shirt and puts make-up over the hickey. It isn't visible. We walk back down stairs while they are all watching the news. We sit down and I ball up in a ball and Minho puts his arm around my shoulder. I lean into his touch. The blanket laying on the couch is still there so I grab it and put it on me.

I will be working on my other story
It a Chanmin one so this one won't be updated as often!!

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