XXXII - Back To School

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Me and the person were wrestling on the floor, like how DogDay and DogDoze did when we first met.
What the fuck is this guy even doing here?
Haven't I suffered enough?!

(C-Nap) "You're insane, dude! What the fuck are you doing here?!"
() "You still haven't answered my question yet.. WHERE. IS. DOGDAY?!"
() "So you're skipping school, after you've hurt him?"
(C-Nap) What the fuck are you talking about?"
() "You're just scared to show up to class, probably because his fans will take you down"
(C-Nap) "Well, I'm scared, so what? More importantly, why the hell are you here? Shouldn't you be at school as well?"
() "Door's open, so I decided to visit him."
(C-Nap) "You maniac.."

So I did forgot to lock the door..
But that's still property invasion!
I don't wanna get the police involved again.
Also, dad was here, why didn't he break up the fight?! What is he doing?!

(C-Nap) "You do know that we are living in the same place, right?"
() "Can't have you living with him.."
(C-Nap) "Why not?"
() "You literally just killed him.."
(C-Nap) "That was an accident, okay?!"
() "You can lie your ass off, I'll do everything I can to prevent you and him from getting closer."
(C-Nap) "You son of a-"
(K-C) "Stop fighting now, you two."

Just in time..
That person got off me, allowing me to stand up. I brushed the dust off me, getting on my feet.

(K-C) "Got carried away, and you better have a good explanation for why you're here."
() "Why me? Why not him?! He literally almost murdered a person! I'm doing my part-"
(K-C) "Silence. You don't even have grasp of the truth, so zip that mouth of yours, delinquent."
() "Why do adults never understand anything?! I'm doing this for him?!"
(K-C) "You're trespassing, stepping foot on one's property, and, you're assaulting him."
(K-C) "I've seen enough."

My dad pulled something out of his pocket.. it's a wallet... what is he going to do with that.?
Bribe him..?
He opened the wallet and held it out.
It wasn't a wallet.. it's..
A badge.?
Like a Police's badge, the stuff that the officers are required to have to verify their authority

(K-C) "Officer Eclipse, you have the right to remain silent."
() "Haha.. very funny"
(K-C) "You know you're being arrested right?"
() "Wait, that wasn't part of the deal-"
(K-C) "I never proposed any offer, hands behind your back. I ain't handcuffing you, but you're coming with me"

Before that person could even do anything, dad picked him up like an infant and quite literally dragged him outside.
Dad never told me that he was a police officer. He doesn't look like one, and doesn't seem to be one either.
But that badge.. says all..
Is this the secret that he has been hiding it from me for years?
It's such a coincidence that both DogDay's dad and my dad were with the police forces.
And what's next in stock? Finding out Crafty is actually a secret FBI agent?
I scoffed at my random thoughts.. chuckling slightly.

Now that's a barrier out of the way, time to check for any signs of theft or damage.
I walked around, looking at the rooms in the house. The living room, the kitchen, the bathrooms, inside the drawers, cupboards.. and stuff.
Everything was clean, in place, organized.
Nothing has happened.

Only then I looked outside, to see that my dad was nowhere to be found.

I guess I'm walking to school then..
Bubba never gave me a spare key, so I can't lock the door..

Eclipse's Reunion - DogDay x CatNap (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now