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"What is hell? I maintain that it is the suffering of being unable to love"


WHAT" I yelled tears rolled down from her chubby chicks.
"Honey what are you saying she is only 16 years old how can she marry" her mother said.
"ji-ha I told you before that don't talk in my matter and this is the last decision start the preparation you only have one day now" he said in stern tone and leave them on the dining table.
YN start crying she is small small Like delicate flower she need to explore world she need her own privacy she wants to achieve her goals she wanted to fly high but her father broke her dreams into millions of pieces.
Her mother consuming her and take her to the room she didn't eat anything from the morning. Now she sleep after hours of crying.

In the morning —
The day today is went like this she didn't eat anything she say no everyone to meet her she was still shocked that she was going married tomorrow how ger father changed why her father to that with her but somewhere in her heart she thinks that the person coming in her life is gonna help her .

But little aware of this that he gonna destroy her fully she didn't know how his life was going to change.

Wedding day—

Everything's was prepared Now it's time for the bride to get ready .
Knocked —
"Come in" she said in her low tone she was sitting on chair and looking herself.
Then 5 girls enter with things
"Mam mr kim send us to make you ready so should we start" one of the girl said she was in her 30s .
"Ok" I mumble slowly enough to make sure they heard.
And they start doing there work after 2 hours .
"Mam all done you looking beautiful" she said other girl start packing their things
I looked down and didn't reply to them I didn't even looked myself in mirror .
Suddenly my mother enter and she gasp and said.

"Oh my daughter you looking gorgeous my baby" she said and kissed my forehead

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"Oh my daughter you looking gorgeous my baby" she said and kissed my forehead .
No doubt she was looking absolutely gorgeous they did nude meakup her this dress is bit revealing but it's ok and they let her long hair fall down she was looking like an angle .
Suddenly door open and her father enter he was looking at her daughter .
"Let's go everyone is waiting" he said in his cold tone he knows what he is doing but still he need to pretend that he don't care.

Taehyung pov—
We all are waiting outside for the bride and suddenly the door get open and I saw small little flower or should say girl she was looking absolutely beautiful no doubt but how can I forget about her . I know one thing that she is "KANG YN" and I'll destroy them like they do I'll make them all beg infront of me I gritted my teeth my eyes darken up . That Kang come and give her daughter hand in my hand and says
"Mr kim please take care of her" he said
"Don't worry mr kang" with that I take her hand in mine and lead her to the stage I can see that she was looking down all the time. The priest start vows

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