Chapter 5 Part 2: Dead End

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Finally it's all done! It took way too long and chapter 6 won't take this long to write.

Also something that I didn't mention in the story is serial designation A's colour would be green instead of yellow and L's colour as a D-drone would be the dark blue he always has instead of yellow.

Everyone would keep moving until they arrive at a hallway going 2 different directions.  "Hey guys I think we should split up it'll be faster to find those 2." "Who should split up with each other then?" "Well N I'd say you go with Tessa and Uzi me, and V will go together. You guys will go to the left and me and V will go to the right." "Sounds like a Plan!"

Tessa, N and Uzi would go and L, Uzi and V would get moving as well. "Hey L!" Uzi would scream "What is it?" "how am I gonna defend myself? I didn't bring my railgun so I don't got anything to fight with." L would create a purple high frequency sword and give it to Uzi. "Why's it purple instead of blue?" N would ask. "Well I can change the colour of it to any you want I just made it purple since it's Uzi's colour.

Uzi would thank L and get on the move with N and Tessa. L and V would get moving until they ended up in a office with oil all over the place. L and V would search around until she found a piece of paper with it saying "RESEARCH STATION-7 PROJECT A.S INCIDENT." V would read it and would see a female worker drone with her being labeled number 110. "Hey L you might wanna check this out."

L would go over to V to see the sheet of paper and would see the female worker drone but L would realize it was the same drone he saw in the research station he was at during the field trip.
"What does it say?" V would ask curiously.

"From what I'm reading it says that the reason that the incident happened was due to failure in the safety procedures in case the drone got controlled by the absolute-solver and after that the anti-solver project would be abandoned but I guess Cortez-Manufacturing kept it going back home." "Why did it fail?" "Well it says someone from JcJenson screwed up the safety procedures for it." 

L would keep reading but wouldn't find any useful information. "Alright let's keep going ahead if you see anything of interest tell me." V would nod her head and they would keep moving.

Uzi, N and Tessa's POV

Uzi, N and Tessa would arrive at another office. Everyone would be looking around until Tessa finds a computer which she would be searching through it. "What are you doing?" Uzi would ask Tessa. "Nothing." Tessa would keep searching through the computer until she would find a picture of earth or rather the state is is currently in. "Hey guys wanna take a gander at earth?" Hey N and Uzi would both look at the screen to see something that shake them to their core.

They would see earth destroyed by the absolute solver. "It happened after the war ended between IOL and JcJenson. The solver knew that JcJenson would be heavily weakened in terms of its military so it took advantage of that so it could  destroy earth without much resistance. We know it spreads in damaged ai. It took cyn as a host then it took everything. The humans who were here thought they could understand it."

Tessa would keep searching and then would show a picture of Uzi's Mom using the absolute solver with Dolls mom trying to control it and a anti drone sentinel with a Human looking at a clip board. "Mom?" Uzi would say to herself.

Tessa would turn off the computer and get off the chair. "All they did was spread it." "Hold on! So if the solver did that to earth then is this planet gonna end up the same way?!" Uzi would ask scared for the fate of copper-9. "Yeah that's why I was sent here with J to stop it from spreading and not only destroying this planet but the whole universe as well."

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