Chapter 2

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(Many days have been passed since Sasuke came to his new school. He made some friends. Most of them are girls. He's really happy with his new friends. But he always got bullied by Naruto. He always tease him about his body. But still, Sasuke got a little crush on him because he's brave at many things where Sasuke isn't. Even for Naruto's handsome face. And Sasuke's all friends know this.)

(At the cafeteria)

Sakura: So, what are you guys going to do today?

Ino: I don't have any plans today.

Hinata: Me neither.

Sakura: What about you, Sasuke?

Sasuke: I also don't have anything to do today.

Hinata: Why is your mood off today, Sasuke?

Sasuke: Huh, w-where?

Ino: She's right. You look upset today. Did something happened?

Sasuke: N-No.

Sakura: Naruto did something, right?

Sasuke: ...

Sakura: (Sigh) Don't worry. I will talk to him.

Sasuke: N-No, you d-don't have to.

Sakura: Why? Because he's your crush?

Sasuke: (Blushed) N-No! I-I never said that!

Ino: Yeah, you never said that. Because you said this now.

Sasuke: (Becomes a tomato)

Hinata: Guys, I think we're making Sasuke-kun uncomfortable.

Sakura: Don't worry, love. He is like this.

Sasuke: Okay, now I have to go. Bye. (Leaves)

Ino: I think, he got embarrassed.

Sakura: I also think that.

(With Sasuke)

Sasuke: (Went to the classroom and sit on his desk) I should do my those homework which classes already end.

(When Sasuke was doing his homework, Naruto came to his desk)

Naruto: Hey, girly boy. Doing homework?

Sasuke: Y-Yes.

Naruto: Aww, look, how shyly he's talking. Let me take a look at your notebook. (Takes the notebook from Sasuke)

Sasuke: P-please, give m-me back my notebook.

Naruto: Wow, nice handwriting. Very neat and clean. I'm taking this. I need this for my next exam.

Sasuke: H-Hey, don't take my notebook!

Sakura: Naruto, stop this now.

Naruto: Oh, Sakura-chan!

Sakura: Give Sasuke his notebook back.

Naruto: Why?

Sakura: Because this notebook is his.

Naruto: Uhh, fine. (Throws the notebook at the desk)

Sasuke: I-I should leave now. (Leaves)

Naruto: Why did you defend Sasuke? He really make the notes nicely. This could help you, too.

Sakura: I don't need this, Naruto. You should stop doing this. This is really annoying.

Naruto: I don't care.

Ino: You know what Naruto, even you bully Sasuke so much, he still got a little crush on you. So you should atleast behave a little nice to him.

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