18. Third Year

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Gojo: who the hell is that???

Gojo, who was currently abroad for work, had just received a photo text from Shoko. She had taken it selfie style, Nanami and you sitting across from her at a table. At first he was happy to see you all together until he quickly realized that there was a fourth person in the photo, a guy, who was sitting beside you with his arm around your shoulders.

Shoko: you haven't been away that long

Shoko: that's (L/N) and nanami

She was definitely teasing him and he couldn't help but grit his teeth in annoyance, thumbs flying over his phone.

Gojo: obviously!!

Gojo: who's the relatively handsome guy and why is his arm around her???

He opened the photo again, zooming in on the mystery guy and sneering to himself. He had to admit that he was pretty good looking and seeing you all smiles next to him was making him anxious.

Shoko: ohhhhhhhhh my bad

Shoko: that's (L/N's) normie friend sugawara from her middle school

Shoko: hes in tokyo a few days hes a chill guy

Gojo: convenient he just happens to visit while i'm away 😒

Shoko: lol calm down the world doesn't revolve around you

Ouch. He had to imagine that on the other end she was enjoying this way too much.

Gojo: (Y/N) never mentioned anything about him

Shoko: does she need to?

Gojo sighed, realizing that the answer was no and that he was just being irrational. You didn't need his permission to see an old friend, even if that friend happened to be a handsome guy.


Gojo had just sent you what he thought was a pretty good looking selfie, being sure that his 'so pretty' eyes were a focal point. Along with it he had asked you what was new.

(Y/N): saw one of my old friends from middle school so that was nice

You were copying his pose in the selfie of your own that you had included and he couldn't help but snort, his lips twitching into a grin. You were too cute.

Satoru: that the guy in the picture shoko sent me?

(Y/N): yeah that's suga!

His grin turned into a grimace. Shoko had said this guy's name was Sugawara. You and him had to be pretty close for you to call him by a nickname. Gojo was trying to be a level-headed, non-irrational guy but jealousy was creeping up on him.

(Y/N): we took him out to eat yesterday and today me and nanamin showed him some cool spots!

Satoru: how long is he in tokyo?

Satoru: would love to meet him

(Y/N): two more days

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